

Assessor’s Office (435) 301-7020 Email

The County Assessor is responsible for listing, valuing, and maintaining records on each piece of “real” and “personal” property in Washington County.

The primary responsibility of the Assessor’s Office is to review annually all property in the County and appraise that property at market value. The Assessor’s Office monitors property ownership changes, maintains maps of parcel boundaries, and keeps descriptions of buildings and property characteristics current.

Attorney’s Office (435) 301-7100 E-mail

The County Attorney has three primary responsibilities 1) provide legal counsel to County officials; 2) prosecute criminal cases in court; and 3) promote county-wide public safety.

Children’s Justice Center (435) 301-7190 E-mail

The Washington County Children’s Justice Center is established to provide a comfortable, child-friendly atmosphere for the alleged victims of child abuse to receive coordinated services during the investigative process. It works with investigators from the Division of Child Protective Services, law enforcement, prosecution, and other disciplines to provide required services and referrals to children and their family members, and to provide educational programs throughout the community.

Clerk/Auditor’s Office (435) 301-7220 E-mail

The Clerk/Auditor oversees all financial aspects of the County, including budget allocations, revenue projections and rate settings, expenditures, and capital outlays. Additional responsibilities include presiding over all County, State, and National elections held in Washington County; issuing marriage licenses; handling passport applications; preparing Tax Abatements; and conducting internal auditing in compliance with State Code.

Commission Office (435) 301-7000 E-mail

The function of the County Commission is to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Washington County by developing public policy, adopting ordinances and regulations to govern the County, and adopt policies and procedures for overseeing the employees of the County. It is responsible for adopting a balanced budget for the County each year. The Budget Officer serves as the liaison between the Commissioners and the Clerk / Auditor in developing the County Budget.

Community Development (435) 301-7250 E-mail

This department administers ordinances and assists the public with zoning and subdivision regulations and compliance, and conducts plan reviews for all new construction, issues building permits, and inspects structures through all phases of construction to ensure they comply with current codes. Additional responsibilities include reviewing subdivision plats, preparing amendments and lot line adjustments, annexation, review, area of influence maps depository, surveying, zone change permission, reviewing conditional and non-conforming use permits, enforces the County Zoning Ordinances, and manages the floodplain. This department also maintains ordinance revisions, land-use plans, and assists with the survey map depository. It provides staff as necessary to the Boundary Commission and to the Land Use Authority.

NOTE: Planning & Zoning and Building departments have merged into the new Community Development department.

Convention & Tourism Office (435) 301-7400 E-mail

The mission of the Convention & Tourism Office is to promote Washington County as a premier vacation and convention destination; to stimulate tourism’s economic impact on Washington County; and to unify local tourism partners in order to maximize the visitor’s experience while in our county. Our ultimate charge is to put “heads in beds,” as our budget is derived from hotel room tax.

Council on Aging E-mail

The Washington County Council on Aging provides services for senior citizens 60 and older. These include classes (pottery, painting, aerobics, yoga, square dancing, and computer training) tax assistance during tax season and other services. Nutrition is a main focus of the senior centers. In-house meals are served as well as Meals on Wheels. There are three senior centers located throughout the County in Enterprise, Hurricane, and St. George. These centers are supported in part through the donations of those patrons who use the facilities.

Enterprise: (435) 878-2557
Hurricane: (435) 635-2089
St. George: (435) 301-7290
Springdale: (435) 635-2089

Economic Development (435) 301-7011 E-mail

Washington County Economic Development is committed to fostering a thriving local economy by focusing on workforce development, supporting business expansion and retention, and attracting value-added companies to the region.

Emergency Management (435) 301-7360 E-mail

The Washington County Board of Commissioners has responsibility for the safety and security of the citizens of Washington County. It may delegate its authority but not the underlying obligation. The Emergency Management Department is committed to working on behalf of the Board of Commissioners in order to facilitate the effective utilization of County resources and personnel through planning, training, and coordination in times of emergency. Emergency services is committed to cultivating harmonious working relationships with other key players and response agencies, both public and private, in order to achieve this goal. E-mail

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (435) 301-7390 E-mail

The GIS Office maintains Washington County mapping data. Maps are provided for County projects, and GIS support is available to County Offices using GIS applications. In addition, Washington County GIS provides support to the Washington County Water Conservancy District, Dixie Metropolitan Planning Organization, Five County Association of Governments, and the E-911 Consolidated Communication Center.

Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) (435) 301-7430 E-mail

The mission of the HCP is to implement and protect the County’s incidental take permit so that economic development can occur while protecting critical wildlife habitat, recreational areas, and open space stipulated by the HCP.

Human Resources (HR) (435) 301-7450 E-mail

The Human Resources Department serves as a balance between employment and management. Wages and benefits are recommended to the Commission each year by the Human Resources Director and coordinated through payroll. Performance management records are kept and managed by HR. The Human Resources Department initiates all new hiring, departmental transfers, and orientation of new employees. It also obtains exit interviews from employees leaving employment. Training of supervisors, department heads and employees is also a part of the HR training of responsibility.

IT Services (435) 301-7460 E-mail

The Information Technology Department takes care of all computer-related needs for Washington County. IT administers the various servers and computer systems used by County offices, maintains the network, county websites, telephone systems, email and backups, and provides data to the public and technical support to county personnel.

Justice Court (435) 301-7480 E-mail

The mission of Utah’s Justice Courts is to improve the quality of life in our communities. The department’s main responsibilities are to provide the people of Washington County an open, fair, efficient, and independent system for the advancement of justice under the law.

Legacy Park (435) 652-4000 E-mail

The Washington County Legacy Park covers approximately 40 acres. It includes 300 racehorse stalls, 340 show horse stalls, one (1) indoor arena, two (2) outdoor arenas, exhibit buildings, and a racetrack. It brings in a variety of events that benefit the County’s economy.

Library E-mail

The mission of the Washington County Library System is to provide open and equal access of ideas and information to all members of the community. The Washington County main library is located in St. George with other branches in Enterprise, Hurricane, New Harmony, Santa Clara, and Springdale. The libraries strive to create an environment which encourages users to reach out to the vast array of knowledge and information available in this technological and diversified world.

Enterprise: (435) 878-2574
Hurricane: (435) 301-7540
New Harmony: (435) 867-0065
Springdale: (435) 772-3676
St. George: (435) 301-7580
Santa Clara: (435) 301-7630
Washington: (435) 301-7650

Mosquito Abatement (435) 627-0076 E-mail

Mosquito Abatement is devoted to enhancing the health and quality of life through the suppression of mosquitoes by following Integrated Mosquito Management principles. These principles include surveillance of mosquito-borne diseases; educating the public on the reduction of mosquito breeding habitats and how to protect against mosquito-borne diseases; abating stagnant pools to reduce mosquito larval numbers; and controlling adult mosquitoes in an efficient and effective manner compatible with the goals of a sound environment.

Public Information (435) 301-7000 E-mail

Public Works (435) 301-7670 E-mail

The Public Works department directs and oversees six operating departments within the County Planning & Zoning, GIS, Road, Bldg Inspection and Weed. The department is responsible for all matters relating to surveying, engineering, building construction and inspection; maintenance of public streets, highways, bridges and drainage facilities for roads; geographic information systems; planning and zoning; noxious weeds; and other public works projects managed by the County.

Recorder’s Office (435) 301-7680 E-mail

The County Recorder records documents and maps and also maintains cross-reference indexes to these records as required by State laws. The Recorder’s Office also provides for subsequent retrieval of records for public viewing and produces copies and certifications of these records. Maps or “plats” are kept up to date and show current ownership of every tract of land in the County. The Recorder’s Office also records Military Discharges and provides certified copies of these documents at no charge. A map depository provides for filing of the land surveys in the County.

Roads (435) 634-5736 E-mail

The Washington County Road Department maintains roads and associated infrastructure in the unincorporated areas of the County. They also maintain borrow ditches and flood channels in the right of ways. In addition, the Road Department provides weed control for roads and runs the noxious weed program for the County.

Sheriff’s Office (435) 656-6500 E-mail

The Sheriff is the County’s only elected law enforcement officer. He supervises a department of about 160 employees.

The Sheriff’s Office performs several functions jail operations, patrol operations, court bailiff and security, and civil process serving. The Sheriff’s Office is Washington County’s largest department. The jail houses an average of 460 inmates and partners with the Utah Department of Corrections to house 180 state inmates. The patrol division patrols an area of about 2500 square miles, ranging from desert to high mountain peaks. For more information, please visit our web site at

Solid Waste (435) 673-2813 E-mail

The mission of Washington County Solid Waste is to manage the solid waste for Washington County residents and commercial entities in a manner that is environmentally sound, cost effective, socially responsible, and safe. WCSW continually works to build relationships with the business community, independent haulers, municipalities, contractors, regulatory authorities, and the general public.

Treasurer’s Office (435) 301-7720 E-mail

The County Treasurer is the elected official responsible for the billing and collection of real property taxes, banking, investment, and cash management of all County funds.

The Treasurer’s Office furnishes to each taxpayer a statement of value of property assessed, sends notices of delinquent taxes due, and prepares notices of penalties on delinquent taxes.
