
Property Tax Relief


Property Tax Relief Programs

There are many different tax relief programs available for Washington County (primary) property owners. Details on the qualification requirements and benefits of each program are included below.

Property Tax Relief Programs are administered by the Washington County Clerk-Auditor Office.
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, UT 84770
Office Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Forms and Applications

Property Tax Abatement Application

Veterans Renewal Form

Hardship Form for Property Tax Relief

Veteran Exemption

This exemption is available to veterans disabled in military service, their unmarried surviving spouse or minor orphans. The primary property the applicant owns and resides in on September 1st of the current year, will be the property to receive the Tax Exemption. First time applicants must provide proof of service-connected disability and a copy of their DD214. (The Veteran’s Administration will provide a letter that will include information concerning the veteran’s disability rating.) No exemption is allowed for any disability below 10%.
This exemption is limited to primary residence or tangible personal property that is held for personal use and not used in a trade or business.

If the veteran dies in the line of duty, surviving spouse or minor orphan is entitled to property tax exemption of 100% of the value of the property. If filing as a widow(er) or minor orphan, a death certificate must be submitted with the application.

Applications are due every year by September 1st.

Deployed Military Exemption

This exemption is available to any member of the Armed Forces on active duty orders outside of Utah for 200 days in a continuous 365 day period. The applicant must own the primary property in the year the exemption is claimed.

In order to qualify, the application will need to be filed in the year after the last day of qualifying service. (If your last qualifying day was this year, apply next year.) An application must be filed by September 1st of that year with a copy of your travel voucher (or DTS equivalent).

Applications are due every year by September 1st.

Blind Exemption

This exemption is available to all "legally blind" property owners (vision no more than 20/200 visual acuity in the better eye when corrected or have a restriction in the field of vision in the better eye which subtends an angle of vision no greater than 20 degrees (certified by ophthalmologist), or their unmarried surviving spouse or minor orphans. There are no income or age requirements for this exemption type.

First time applicant’s must provide an ophthalmologist’s affidavit. If applying as an unmarried surviving spouse or minor orphan, a death certificate must also be submitted.

Applications are due every year by September 1st.

Circuit Breaker Abatement

This property tax credit is available to individuals who are 66 years of age or older, or a widow/widower (regardless of age), whose prior year household income is less than *$40, 840.

Income includes the following: Gross Wages, Salaries, taxable and non-taxable Social Security (including Medicare premiums). Railroad Retirements, Military Retirements, State Supplemental Income, Pensions, Annuities, Distributions from 401k’s, Roth’s, IRA’s, Rent, Business, Farm, Partnership Income, Unemployment, Alimony, Child Support, Strike Benefits, Welfare payments, Food Stamps, Interest, Dividends, Capital Gains, Earned Income Credit and Additional Child or other Tax Credits, etc.

The applicant must be the owner of the home as of January 1st of the current year. The home must be on file as the primary residence with the Washington County Assessor’s office and the applicant must occupy the home for at least 10 months out of the year. No other significant property may be owned.

Applicants must provide proof of income (a full copy of the Federal Income Tax Return for each member of the household or W-2’s, 1099-Rs, 1099-SSA’s, etc.) annually for ALL members of the household If applying as a widow(er), a death certificate must be submitted with the application.

Applications are due every year by September 1st.

*Note the income threshold is subject to change annually by the State Legislature.

**Renters are to file an application with the State.

Indigent/County Abatement

Indigent/County Abatements may be granted by the County Commission and are available to individuals who are age 65 or older, or to individuals under 65 who may have a disability or extreme hardship with a prior year household income less than *$40,840.

Income includes the following: Wages, Salaries, taxable and non-taxable Social Security (including Medicare premiums), Railroad Retirements, Military Retirements, State Supplemental Income, Pensions, Annuities, Distributions from 401k’s, Roth’s, IRA’s, Rent, Business, Farm, Partnership Income, Unemployment, Alimony, Child Support, Strike Benefits, Welfare payments, Food Stamps, Interest, Dividends, Capital Gains, Earned Income Credit and Additional Child or other Tax Credits, etc.

Additionally, the total balance of all liquid assets (savings, checking, certificate of deposit (CD), money market, etc.) are not to exceed 20 times the prior year property tax amount (this does not include any retirement accounts).

The applicant must be the owner of the home as of January 1st of the current year. The home must be on file as the primary residence with the Washington County Assessor’s office and the applicant must occupy the home for at least 10 months out of the year. No other significant real property may be owned.

Applicants must provide proof of income (a full copy of the Federal Income Tax Return for each member of the household or W-2’s, 1099-R’s, 1099-SSA’s, etc.) annually for ALL members of the household. If applying as a widow/widower, a death certificate must be submitted with the application.

Individuals filing as Disabled must also attach a current medical statement from an attending physician.

Individuals filing as Extreme Hardship must also complete a Hardship Hardship Form for Property Tax Relief.

*Note the income threshold is subject to change annually by the State Legislature.

Applications are due every year by September 1st.

Mobile Home Owner:

Apply for abatement with the Clerk-Auditor prior to payment of taxes.

*Note: You must be the owner of record of property on January 1st for the year of application.

County Policy

  1. A fully completed application is required every year for ALL income-based property tax relief programs.
  2. For the income-based Indigent/County tax relief program, liquid asset balances are not to exceed 20 times the prior year property tax amount. (Does not include retirement accounts i.e.: IRA & 401k.)
    • Three (3) months bank statements will be required.
    • Additional income verification documents that validate "gross household income" may be required.
  3. For the income-based Indigent/County tax relief program, no other real property will be allowed.