Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I received a Tax Notice. But my mortgage company is supposed to pay my taxes. What should I do now?

Washington County is required to mail a Tax Notice to each property owner. We also send the Mortgage Company the information to pay your taxes. Please review your tax notice to verify the information is correct and notify us of any changes that need to be made. This notice is also helpful when you file your income taxes.

I bought my home a few months ago, but this Tax Notice is for a full year. Am I responsible for the entire amount?

According to Utah State law, property taxes are a lien against the property, not against any individual owner. When property is bought or sold during the year, the title company prorates the property taxes at closing. lf you need more information about this, please review your settlement statement or contact the title company or bank that handled the transaction.

I don’t have enough money to pay the entire amount of my tax bill. Is it possible to make partial payments?

The Treasurer’s Office accepts partial payments of $10.00 or more at any time. lf you do not have the payment stub, please make sure the account number is clearly printed on the check or money order.

I am behind on my taxes. My mortgage company wants me to set up a payment plan. Can I do that?

No. The Treasurer’s Office does not make payment plans or formal arrangements for you to pay delinquent taxes. However we do accept partial payments of $10.00 or more per parcel at anytime. Each time you make a payment, your receipt will be returned with an updated statement of your remaining balance.

My property taxes are delinquent several years. I would like to pay the oldest year first. Can I do that?

No. lf you accumulate more than one year of delinquent taxes, Utah law requires application of payments to the most recent year of delinquency. All payments are applied first to interest, then to penalty, and finally to the tax. That means if your 2001 and 2002 taxes are delinquent, any payment on the delinquency will be credited to the 2002 delinquency first.

Does the County sell-property-for back taxes? How do I find out about the tax sale?

Each May, the Washington County Clerk-Auditor conducts a sale of properties that have a delinquent tax which is at least 5 years delinquent. The properties to be sold are advertised in a newspaper approximately four weeks prior to the sale. Utah State law does not permit the sale of tax liens or tax lien certificates. For more information about the Tax Sale, please contact the Washington County Clerk-Auditor’s Office.

As a senior citizen, could I have my property taxes lowered? How can I find out more about that?

Washington County offers several tax relief programs including exemptions for the blind and for disabled veterans, and circuit breaker, indigent and hardship abatements. These are handled through the Washington County Clerk-Auditor’s Office. Contact them for further information.

All my neighbors just got their Tax Notices. but I didn’t get one. Does that mean my taxes are not due right now?

No, your taxes are still due. All real property taxes are due November 30th each year, even if the owner does not receive a Tax Notice in the mail. If your neighbors are receiving Tax Notices and you did not, call or email the Treasurer’s Office and we can send you a copy of your Tax Notice