
Dixie Convention Center

RFP for AV Control System at Dixie Convention Center

The intent of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select a contractor for AV services at the Dixie Convention Center (DCC). The project involves the upgrading and/or replacement of the current Crestron AV control system. Bids are due March 10, 2025. The contractor will be selected on March 17,2025, with the actual start of work to be scheduled around the DCC’s event calendar.

Download RFP for AV Control System at Dixie Convention Center

To receive consideration, responses to this RFP must be received no later than 4:00 pm on March 10, 2025. Electronic and hard copy proposals are each acceptable.

Attention: Jared Stephenson
Dixie Convention Center
1835 Convention Center Drive
St. George, UT 84790
(Google Maps)
(435) 301-7788

Prior to the submission deadline, Washington County may amend or clarify the RFP in the case of any discrepancies or omissions. Any change will be posted as a formal written addendum on the Washington County website. In the event of a revision to the RFP after the closing date, candidates will have an opportunity to refine, submit or resubmit their proposals.

Each proposal will be reviewed and scored according to the Selection Process contained in the RFP. Proposal are anticipated to be selected by March 17, 2025.

Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) logo

Veyo Bridge Closure and Repairs UDOT

Public Information – Veyo Bridge Closure and Repairs

What Happened?

During a routine biennial inspection inspectors discovered some cracking in plates used to retrofit the bridge.

What does it mean to me?

  • THE BRIDGE WILL BE CLOSED from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday and Sunday, February 8th and 9th.
  • THE BRIDGE WILL BE CLOSED from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, February 10th through the 13th.
  • During hours when the bridge is open, traffic will be restricted to a single lane down the center of the bridge. An automated signal will control the alternating traffic over the bridge.
  • Vehicles with a gross weight of over 30 tons will continue to be restricted until repairs are completed Thursday afternoon and must use another route.
  • Some school bus times and routes may see alterations through Thursday.

What are we doing about it?

  • We are replacing the cracked plates to restore the bridge to its previous retrofitted condition so that both lanes will be open to regular traffic as quickly as possible.
  • Our motor carriers division is restricting oversized and overweight loads.
  • Out of an abundance of caution, we are alternating traffic on the center of the bridge to further reduce load stresses.
  • We are coordinating with emergency and public services during the closure period.
  • Our structural engineering team is conducting research to determine a long-term solution or replacement.
  • Responding to questions at
Dixie Convention Center

RFP for Carpeting, Fire Alarm System, and Painting at Dixie Convention Center

There are three (3) Request for Proposals (RFP) to select contractor(s) at the Dixie Convention Center (DCC). The contractor(s) will be selected (commission approval post award is required) on February 21, 2025, with the actual start of work to be scheduled around the DCC’s event calendar.

Download RFP for Carpeting Meeting Rooms at Dixie Convention Center

Download RFP for Fire Alarm System Replacement at Dixie Convention Center

Download RFP for Painting Meeting Rooms at Dixie Convention Center

To receive consideration, responses to this RFP must be received no later than 4:00 pm on February 14, 2025. Electronic and hard copy proposals are each acceptable.

Attention: Jared Stephenson
Dixie Convention Center
1835 Convention Center Drive
St. George, UT 84790
(Google Maps)
(435) 301-7788

Prior to the submission deadline, Washington County may amend or clarify the RFP in the case of any discrepancies or omissions. Any change will be posted as a formal written addendum on the Washington County website. In the event of a revision to the RFP after the closing date, candidates will have an opportunity to refine, submit or resubmit their proposals.

Each proposal will be reviewed and scored according to the Selection Process contained in these RFPs. Proposal are anticipated to be selected by February 21, 2025.

RFP for Greater Zion Public Relations Agency

RFP for Cliffrose Trailhead

It is the intent of Washington County, UT (“County”), in partnership with the Dixie National Forest; Pine Valley Ranger District to obtain proposals from qualified industry experts that can provide construction services in compliance with industry standards. The selected proponent (“Contractor”) will construct a Trailhead, designed by the Dixie National Forest, for the Cliffrose Trail system.

Download RFP for Cliffrose Trailhead
Download Specifications for Cliffrose Trailhead
Download AutoCAD for Cliffrose Trailhead

The Cliffrose Trail System is a recently constructed, approximately 20-mile mountain biking and hiking system of trails. The number of trails in this system is planned to expand. The trails have been constructed over the last 3 years through a partnership between the Pine Valley Ranger District and Washington County and with grant funding from the State of Utah. A trailhead is needed for this system. Current parking is along the road or in a small, cleared area to one side of the main access road. The desired trailhead will include expanded parking, CXT toilet, Kiosk, Shade structures and picnic tables, fencing and a bicycle repair station.

To receive consideration, a response to the RFP must be submitted to the County no later than 2:00 pm on February 14, 2025. One electronic and four physical copies of the proposal should be delivered to:

Attention: Leslie Fonger
Destination Development Manager
Greater Zion Convention and Tourism Office
111 E Tabernacle St.
St. George, UT 84770
(Google Maps)
(435) 301-7407

There will be a public bid opening on February 14, 2025 at 2:30 pm at the Washington County Administration Building in room 182 (use Google Maps link from above).

Each proposal will be reviewed and scored according to the Selection Criteria contained in this RFP. A proposal is anticipated to be selected by February 21, 2025.

Washington County Administration Building

RFP for New Administration Building Floor Cleaning


Washington County is seeking proposals from interested and qualified companies to provide daily cleaning for all flooring in the Administration building located at 111 E. Tabernacle Street, St. George, UT 84770 (Google Maps).

The Administration building includes 22,843 square feet of terrazzo flooring including bathrooms and breakrooms throughout four floors of office space as well as 54,268 square feet of carpet. Offices are open Monday through Friday 8:00 am through 5:00 pm. Cleaning will need to be performed after normal business hours and in coordination with the Washington County custodial team.

Proposals shall include details regarding all items on the attached, proposed Scope of Work, including the following:

  • Daily sweeping and weekly buffing of all terrazzo flooring throughout the building, and also to include resurfacing of all terrazzo flooring annually
  • Carpet cleaning three times per year also to include spot cleaning on an as needed basis
  • A list of what equipment will be used such as buffer machines, sweepers, etc.
  • A complete itemized list of chemicals that may be applied, implementation schedule
  • Provide a detailed cost proposal including equipment, labor, etc.

Companies submitting a proposal acknowledge that they are qualified in this area of work and have experienced personnel able to provide the required services. The County may request information substantiating the indicated requirements. Failure to provide this information may result in a prospective Company’s proposal being declared non-responsive.

All proposals shall include a cover sheet with the following information:

  • The full and lawful name of the company submitting the proposal
  • The full name and title of the person with the authority to bind the company
  • The signature of a person with authority to bind the company
  • The office address of the company
  • The name and email address of the company contact person for purposes of the proposal
  • The office and cell number of the company contact person for purposes of the proposal

This Request for Proposals does not constitute a contract. Washington County reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and may elect not to proceed with any proposal. No agreement with Washington County is in effect until both parties have signed a professional service agreement under terms acceptable to the County. Proposals will be accepted until 4:00 pm on January 31, 2025 at the Washington County Administration Building at St. George, 111 E Tabernacle St. George, UT 84770 (Google Maps). Proposals may also be submitted by email with the subject line “New Administration Building Floor Cleaning” to Proposals received after the due date and time will not be considered. Proposals without the required information identified herein, and in the scope of work, will be rejected. Questions regarding the proposal may be directed to Trent Gardner at 435-669-2777.



Cleaning Services For Washington County Regarding Floor Cleaning at 111 East Tabernacle, St. George, Utah

TERRAZZO CLEANING (22,843 sq ft on 4 levels):

  • Dust mop the floor daily
  • Mop the floor twice each week with approved equipment (this frequency may be increased if required by traffic)
  • Once per week the floor will be buffed with a high speed buffer (burnisher)

Equipment requirements for this task: Propose all equipment used for the Terrazzo cleaning scope of work:

Chemicals to be used: Propose all cleaning supplies (all neutral-pH) used for the Terrazzo cleaning scope of work with product spec sheets:


CARPET CLEANING (54,268 sq ft on 4 levels):

  • Three times per year carpet cleaning with hot water extraction system
  • Spot cleaning as requested
  • asdf

Equipment requirements for this task: Propose all equipment used for the Carpet cleaning scope of work:

Chemicals to be used: Propose all cleaning supplies (all neutral-pH) used for the Carpet cleaning scope of work with product spec sheets:


*All personnel costs, supplies, equipment, cleaning products, and chemicals are included in the above-listed prices, and are the responsibility of the providing company. No additional charges or add-ons will be paid by the County for these items or replacement items.


Washington County of Utah

Notice of Vacancy for Angel Springs Special Service District Administrative Control Board 2025

NOTICE is hereby given that there is a vacancy for the following:

The vacancy will be filled through appointment by the Washington County Commission. Those who are appointed to fill the vacancy will serve for a term that ends on December 31, 2027.

To qualify for appointment to that Board, an individual must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Be a U.S. Citizen;
  2. Be a qualified elector (registered voter) within the district to which you are applying

Those wishing to serve on the Service District Administrative Control Board should contact and apply no later than Friday, February 7, 2025:

attn: Jayanne Lewis
(435) 301-7005
Washington County Commission Office
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)

The County Commission will make the board appointment at a future County Commission meeting.

St. George Senior Center

RFP for Provision of Food Services at Council on Aging Senior Centers

It is the intent of Washington County, Utah, to obtain proposals from qualified food service vendors who can provide competent food service and quality meals for the following Washington County Council on Aging Senior Centers:

St. George Senior Center
245 N. 200 W.
St. George, UT 84770
(Google Maps)

Hurricane Senior Center
95 N 300 W
Hurricane, UT 84737
(Google Maps)

Enterprise Senior Center
165 S 100 E
Enterprise UT 84725
(Google Maps)

Download RFP for Provision of Food Services at Council on Aging
(RFP Packet with full details)

RFP Schedule

January 9, 2025: Delivery and publication of RFP
January 22, 2025: Proposal Response Deadline (5:00 pm end of business day)
January 23-25, 2025: Vendor review and evaluation of submitted RFPs
January 30, 2025 (on or before): Award of Contract

Horse Racing @ Legacy Park

Master Plan to Improve Equine and Rodeo Facilities at Legacy Park

PRESS RELEASE: Washington County to Develop Master Plan to Improve Equine and Rodeo Facilities at Legacy Park

Today, Washington County formally announces its plans to develop a master plan to improve and expand its equine and rodeo facilities at Legacy Park. Rodeo, Equine, and Livestock activities are deeply rooted in the heritage of Utah’s Dixie and as this community has grown so has the demand and use of Legacy Park and its equine facilities. This increased demand and use of Legacy Park necessitates that Washington County respond in kind.

During the preliminary steps of developing a master plan, Washington County identified safety and infrastructure needs, including electrical, drainage, water, sewage, and gas, with the most immediate needs being electrical and drainage. Many of these infrastructure needs will need to be re-engineered and rebuilt from the ground up. To safely facilitate some of these infrastructure needs the horse stalls will need to be vacated by June 30, 2025.

Washington County is engaging in this master plan in order to meet the growing needs of Legacy Park. The master plan will not include plans for soccer fields, housing, or any form of commercial not consistent with Legacy Park’s public purpose. Washington County recognizes Legacy Park serves this community and with that in mind, Washington County intends to engage the community throughout the master plan process.

Legacy Park and its facilities have served this community for decades and in order to continue to serve this community for decades more certain improvements and renovations identified during the master plan process must be facilitated.

Silver Reef Museum Utah logo

Free Admission Week at Silver Reef Museum

Merry Christmas from the Silver Reef Museum!

FREE Admission Week at Silver Reef Museum.

  • Monday, December 9
    • 10:00 am — 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, December 11
    • 10:00 am — 3:00 pm
  • Friday, December 13
    • 10:00 am — 3:00 pm
  • Saturday, December 14
    • 10:00 am — 3:00 pm

This holiday season, we’re sharing the spirit of giving with our wonderful Washington County community. From December 9 – 14, admission to the museum is FREE as our special gift to you.

Flyer for Free Admission Week at Silver Reef Museum

Flyer for Free Admission Week at Silver Reef Museum

Step back in time and explore the rich history of Silver Reef during this festive season. While you’re here, don’t forget to stop by our gift shop for unique Christmas gifts and treasures that you won’t find any where else.

Celebrate the season with us and make history part of your holidays. We look forward to welcoming you.

Silver Reef Museum
1903 Wells Fargo Rd
Leeds, UT 84746
(Google Maps)

Washington County Water Conservancy District logo

Notice of Vacancy for Board of Trustees of Water Conservancy District

NOTICE is hereby given that there are three (3) vacancies on the Washington County Water Conservancy District Board of Trustees (the “Board”) resulting from term expirations. Washington County intends to appoint three candidates to the Board who will serve terms with expiration dates of December 31, 2028.

To qualify for appointment to the Board, an individual must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Be a registered voter at the location of the individual’s residence; and
  2. Be a resident within the boundaries of Washington County Water Conservancy District

Any person qualified to serve on the Board may submit a completed application to the Washington County Commission Office, c/o Jayanne Lewis, no later than Monday, December 16 2024 at 5:00 pm.

attn: Jayanne Lewis
Washington County Commission Office
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)

Use above contact for any questions or comments you may have.