
Commercial Rent Assistance Program

Commercial Rental Assistance Program Application

Attention Business Owners!

New & urgent: Commercial Rental Assistance Program Application will be opening on Monday, May 11 at 9am. It will be first-come, first-serve!

There has been $40 million allocated to help Utah small businesses that rent commercial property receive pandemic relief from the Legislature and the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED).

To be eligible for the Commercial Rental Assistance Program, applicants must:

  • Have a current lease on commercial property in the state of Utah
  • Claim Utah as their principal place of business
  • Be in operation with fewer than 100 employees on Feb. 15, 2020
  • Demonstrate at least a 50% loss of gross monthly revenue after March 1, 2020, as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Not received funds from the COVID-19 Agricultural Operations Grant Program (funded with federal CARES Act monies)

Tag a business owner who could benefit and learn more at:

Washington County of Utah

2020 Tax Sale

Notice is hereby given that on May 28, 2020, at 10:00 AM, Kim Hafen, Clerk-Auditor, will offer for sale (unless redeemed prior to sale) at public auction, pursuant to the provisions of section 59-2-1351 Utah Code, the described real estate situated in said county and now held by it under preliminary tax sale. This sale will be located in:

Washington County Administration Building
111 East Tabernacle
St George, Utah
(Google Maps)

Auctions will be by open bidding wherein the full parcel will be sold to the highest dollar bidder.

Tax Sale — Full List & Details

Published in the Spectrum
May 3, 10, 17, & 24, 2020

Great Utah Shakeout logo

Washington County Great Utah Shake Out Exercise

Yesterday, April 16th was recognized as the Great Utah Shakeout day where government entities and other organizations around the state participate in Earthquake drills. As we remember the recent earthquake up north, and as we recognize that we have several earthquake faults in the Washington County area, we feel that it is appropriate to be prepared for that possibility in our area.

At 10:00 am yesterday, the Washington County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) participated in an exercise for the Great Utah Shakeout. Coordinating with emergency responders and other local agencies, the county walked through what-if scenarios that aided in planning and preparing for the possibility of an earthquake.

Commenting on the preparation efforts, Commissioner Gil Almquist stated, “We know earthquakes aren’t a matter of if, but when. Preparing for a crisis well in advance is how we do things in Washington County.”

We encourage everyone to take a minute to #BeReadyUtah, and review the states resources at: We also encourage everyone to know how to respond in the event of an earthquake, especially reviewing the drop, cover, and hold on safety practices:

Be ready, stay safe, and stay connected with our Washington County EOC Facebook page for the best information in the event of an emergency.

Library System, Washington County of Utah

Library System Offers New Curbside Pickup Service

Washington County Library System today announced that it will offer curbside pickup services to the patrons at all eight library branch locations beginning on Monday, April 20, 2020. “Our libraries form an integral cornerstone in the structure of our community. Working with the Library Board, the county is now able to safely begin the phasing in of essential library services to the public,” explained Commissioner Dean Cox. Curbside service will be available at each location. For times, please call your closest library branch. Curbside Service allows customers to pick up library materials that have been placed on hold. Washington County has coordinated with our Public Health Officer on curbside services as well as the procedures. Social distancing is still recommended in order to effectively serve library customers and adhere to public health guidelines. For a list branch numbers and hours of operation, please visit:

Curbside Pickup provides increased access to our library resources during the COVID-19 closure. As we continue to put our patrons at the heart of everything we do, we strive to offer services that are adapted to this unprecedented time. Curbside pickup will allow patrons to access physical items in addition to taking advantage of the outstanding online service provided. We hope that access to these great reading and movie materials will help alleviate some of the disruption to everyday life that has occurred as a result of the pandemic.

Curbside Pickup: How it Works

  1. Place items on hold using the Library website catalog, or call in if you know what you are interested in. Identify your preferred library pickup location: St. George, Washington, Santa Clara, Hurricane, Enterprise, New Harmony, Hildale or Springdale.
  2. Wait for email or text notice that your hold items are ready.
  3. Request Curbside Service by calling your pickup branch.
  4. Library staff will prepare your items for pickup.
  5. Staff will contact you when your items are checked out and ready for you to pick up. Items must be picked up that day or scheduled appropriately.
  6. Go to the Library’s designated Curbside pickup branch. This will be marked by signage at each location.
  7. Holds will be delivered to the cardholder once name verification has occurred.
  8. When you arrive at the Library’s pickup location, call the number listed on the sign for further instructions. Pickup locations for curbside service will be clearly marked and patrons and staff should strive to comply with social distancing recommendations.
  9. Wait for delivery of materials. If your vehicle is equipped with automatic doors, please open them upon arrival.

Possible Questions:

How many items can I pick up using Curbside Service?
Adults can place up to 20 items on hold, children up to 10, though not all materials may be ready for delivery at the same time. If something is already checked out to someone else, or if the items need to be delivered from another branch, there may be a delay in accessing some of those materials.

Will I lose my HOLD items if I do not pick up during the closure?
We have extended out holds until April 28th. That will be the first time holds not picked up will be made available to the next interested patron. After that, holds will be kept for seven days as normal.

How do I return library materials?
You may return your library materials using the exterior book drops at all locations. Please do not return items directly to staff as we are enacting a quarantine protocol for all returned items.

Can I wait until the library fully opens to return my materials?
In response to COVID-19, the library temporarily suspended its fine process. The goal over the last 6 weeks was to support our patrons through these difficult times. However, as we institute curbside checkout, other people could be waiting for the requested materials. To encourage patrons to return borrowed materials for the next person on the hold list the normal return process will be implemented. A grace period of 2 weeks will be allotted, extending the checkout period of all materials until May 3rd. After that grace period, items should be returned or renewed. Items not returned will be assessed their normal fine rate, which is 10 cents a day in most cases.

Are there any library resources I can use while branches are closed?
Yes. The library provides a wide array of digital offerings, including e-books, audiobooks, magazines, and streaming movies through our electronic resources on our website. Manage your account online – search the catalog, place holds, and renew items – at

Our Mission — The Washington County Library System provides staff, collections, physical and virtual spaces that promote ideas, inspire lifelong learning, and strengthen communities. We look forward to offering those physical spaces again in the future, but for now, are pleased to reconnect with you via these modified services.

COVID-19 Virus banner

Temporary Closure of Washington County Libraries due to Coronavirus

All eight (8) branches of the Washington County Library System are closed as of today in response to the community spread of COVID-19 (New Coronavirus) in our area. We all should work together to minimize the virus’ impacts and keep the citizens in Washington County safe. No library fines will accrue during this temporary closure.

Other than the senior citizen centers, all other county offices are open and will continue to provide services to Washington County residents and property owners. We strongly encourage the use of on-line resources and communicating with county staff via email and telephone rather than in-person whenever possible. We are constantly monitoring the situation with Dr. David Blodgett, Southwest Utah Public Health Officer, and will continue to make adjustments as necessary.

We encourage area residents to regularly check the Southwest Utah Public Health Department’s New Coronavirus website at and to read the reports regularly released by our health department ( We should all follow the public health recommendations, which currently include the following measures:

  • No gatherings over 10 people,
  • Stay home and away from people if you are over 60 or have an underlying health condition,
  • Work and school should be from home whenever possible,
  • Avoid non-essential travel,
  • Restaurants should offer drive-thru, pickup, or delivery options only,
  • Everyone should practice social distancing: keeping a 6-foot space between people,
  • If someone tests positive for COVID-19, all members of the household should self-isolate for 14 days,
  • If you have traveled (international or domestic) recently you should practice social distancing for 14 days.
  • If you experience symptoms (including fever, cough, and shortness of breath) contact your healthcare provider to ask about testing for COVID-19.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @WashCoUtah

COVID-19 Virus banner

Declaring a State of Local Emergency — LOCAL DECLARATION NO. 2020-11


Declaring a State of Local Emergency in Washington County, Utah
Due to COVID-19 and Authorizing Economic Stabilization Measures

WHEREAS, Washington County in conjunction with Southwest Utah Public Health Department is responding to a worldwide crisis caused by the ongoing outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a new Coronavirus (COVID-19) that was first detected in China in December 2019 and continues to expand in a growing number of countries, including the United States, and is now present in the State of Utah;

WHEREAS, on March 6, 2020, Governor Gary R. Herbert issued an Executive Order declaring a state of emergency due to novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19);

WHEREAS, the Governor’s Executive Order recognizes the need for state and local authorities, and the private sector to cooperate to slow the spread of COVID-19;

WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic;

WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, President Donald J. Trump declared a National State of Emergency based on the continuing spread of COVID-19;

WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force issued guidelines to help protect Americans during the global COVID-19 outbreak;

WHEREAS, measures have been put in place to prevent the rapid spread of COVID-19 that include closing area schools and Dixie State University, limiting restaurants to take-out meals, and limiting group size to less than 10 individuals;

WHEREAS, these prevention measures are impacting the area economy and especially the area tourism industry.

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Utah Code Annotated Section 53-2a-208, on behalf of the citizens of Washington County, the Washington County Commission declares Washington County to be in a state of “Local Emergency”

BE IT FURTHER DECLARED that all reasonable steps should be taken to stabilize the area’s economy. Three such measures include:

  • Launching a “Stay Greater” Campaign to encourage frequenting area restaurants for take-out meals;
  • Establishing a Small Business Stabilization Loan Program involving county, municipal, private, state, and federal partners to provide low-interest loans to small businesses that are impacted by the COVID-19 prevention measures; and
  • Distributing accurate information regarding COVID-19’s spread and appropriate prevention measures to the area’s population especially those that are most vulnerable and with limited access to media outlets.


Download Official Document:
– Local Declaration No. 2020-11

COVID-19 Virus banner

Washington County Operations During COVID-19 Crisis — LOCAL DECLARATION NO. 2020-10


Regarding the Operation of the Washington County Clerk-Auditor’s Office During the COVID-19 Crisis

WHEREAS, Washington County in conjunction with Southwest Utah Public Health Department is responding to a worldwide crisis caused by the ongoing outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a new Coronavirus (COVID-19) that was first detected in China in December 2019 and continues to expand in a growing number of countries, including the United States, and is now present in the State of Utah;

WHEREAS, on March 6, 2020, Governor Gary R. Herbert issued an Executive Order declaring a state of emergency due to novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19);

WHEREAS, the Governor’s Executive Order recognizes the need for state and local authorities, and the private sector to cooperate to slow the spread of COVID-19;

WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic;

WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, President Donald J. Trump declared a National State of Emergency based on the continuing spread of COVID-19;

WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force issued guidelines to help protect Americans during the global COVID-19 outbreak;

WHEREAS, other states and counties have taken actions in response to the crisis that severely limit the opportunity for their area residents to receive basic public services and those residents are now coming to Washington County for these services;

WHEREAS, an influx of out-of-area residents to the Washington County Clerk’s Office for marriage license and passports exposes Washington County employees to an increased risk of COVID-19 infection;

THEREFORE, BE IT DECLARED by the chair of the Washington County Commission, Washington County remains open but encourages residents to conduct as much County business as possible through available electronic means and should visit the County website to see online resources made available.

BE IT FURTHER DECLARED by the chair of the Washington County Commission on March 19, 2020, that the Washington County Clerk-Auditor’s Office will only issue marriage licenses or process passport applications if at least one of the applicants for marriage license or passport are either current residents of Washington County or own property in Washington County. No more than 7 people will be allowed into the Clerk-Auditor’s Office at one time and only those directly filling out the paperwork should occupy the office. All others are required to wait outside.

Download Official Document and Press Releases:
– Local Declaration No. 2020-10
– Press Release COVID-19 2020-03-16

Confluence Park hydroelectric power plant

Bid for Confluence Park Field Leveling and Irrigation Project

Washington County
Confluence Park Field Leveling and Irrigation Project

Washington County will receive sealed proposals until 10:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at the Washington County Commission Office, for Confluence Park Field Leveling and Irrigation.

Visit Public Works to download Bid Documents

This project consists of construction of approx. 32.25 acres of land leveling, 2,920 LF of 8” diameter PVC pipe, 1,960 LF of 6” diameter PVC pipe, 12 6” gate valves, and 12 concrete irrigation outlet boxes may be awarded at the discretion of the Owner.

Bids will be opened publicly at 10:05 a.m., March 25, 2020, at the Washington County Commission Chambers, Administration Building:

111 East Tabernacle
St. George, UT 84770
(Google Maps)

Bid documents may be obtained from Washington County Public Works Department. Please contact Washington County Public Works Deptartment at 435-301-7670 to reserve a printed set of plans and specifications and to get your name on a list for any notifications of bid addenda or clarifications.

The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsible responsive bidder. If, however, the County deems it to be in the best interest of the County, the County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities or minor defects in any bids, to eliminate entire items, and increase or decrease the quantities shown in the bid form.

Visit Public Works to download Bid Documents