Washington County is seeking proposals for range and desert tortoise exclusionary fence along the Navajo Drive corridor in the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve.
Click here to download RFP for Installation of Tortoise Fence in Zone 6.
Background information:
The Red Cliffs Desert Reserve recently expanded to include over 6,800 acres of land west of St. George. Within the new Reserve area, Washington County intends to fence the Navajo Drive corridor on State Institutional Trust Lands (SITLA) to protect desert tortoises, reduce foot traffic, and prevent un-authorized motorized use away from the road. The County holds a 100-ft easement along this corridor where much of the fence is planned to be installed. There are four types of fence that will need to be installed:
- Range fence with four-strand wire to prevent foot traffic and motorized use (approximately 16,150 linear feet).
- Range fence with three-strand wire and one barbed wire in areas more prone to fence damage or trespass (approximately 1,000 feet exact location TBD).
- Range fence as described above in item 1 with the addition of 3-foot desert tortoise exclusion fence (approximately 1,650 linear feet). See exhibit 2 for specs.
- Tortoise exclusion fence attached to already existing range fence (1,950 feet).
The desert tortoise exclusion fence (or mesh) is only needed around the Bear Poppy Trailhead. The range fence on the north side of this trailhead is already built, but it still needs tortoise mesh attached. In some instances, the newly installed range fence will tie into existing fence along the northern side of the road. Similarly, fencing on the western end of the State lands will need to be constructed in such a way to allow for future expansion onto BLM lands when approved. This request only seeks bids for fencing on the SITLA lands.
In addition to the fence, there are 2 gates for authorized utility vehicles and 5 metal step-overs allowing trail access for the public. Gates should be 14 feet in width. Step-overs are 5-feet wide with one which must include attached tortoise mesh. See exhibit 3 for step-over design specs.
Proposal must include the following in their scope of services:
- Anticipated schedule or timeline of activities.
- Cost breakout for all materials and labor to install each type of fence, gate and step-over described above. (Price per linear foot of each fence type preferred)
- Photos, descriptions and/or references for similar past projects completed.
Proposals shall be rated according to the following criteria:
- Understanding of the project’s scope of services;
- Presentation of a reasonable time schedule;
- Professional qualifications and experience with similar projects;
- Charged rate/costs for services;
- Ability to work in harmony with Washington County, its partners and the public;
- Completeness, conciseness, and clarity of the response to this RFP.
Proposals must be submitted bearing the title Installation of Tortoise Fence and received no later than October 16, 2021. Proposals can be emailed to or mailed in sealed envelopes to:
Washington County HCP 111 East Tabernacle St. George, UT 84770 (Google Maps)
Please see attached maps showing the approximate location of the lands to be fenced and for the fence specifications.
For additional information or questions please contact:
Cameron Rognan HCP Administrator Email: Office: (435) 256-6310 Cell: (435) 705-4431 180 N 200 E #111 St. George, UT 84770 (Google Maps)
Click here to download RFP for Installation of Tortoise Fence in Zone 6.