Washington County Clerk is seeking bid proposals for Ballot Printing Services from qualified printers to provide a variety of optical scan ballot lengths – 11”, 14” 17” and 19” ballots. Print Election Ballot Envelope set(s), outgoing and return envelopes. Full service printing, processing and mailing of all By Mail election ballots.
All ballots that are printed must meet ES&S Election Systems and Software requirements, an ES&S Ballot Productions Guide is available on request.
All envelope set(s), outgoing and return envelopes with voter signature covered, must meet USPS, the State of Utah and Washington County requirements.
Bid documents can be picked up at the Washington County Clerk’s Office starting Monday March 26, 2018 through April 30, 2018.
Washington County Elections
111 E Tabernacle
St George UT 84770
Account # 1359
(Google Maps)
Publish on Monday March 26