Dixie Convention Center

RFP for AV Control System at Dixie Convention Center

The intent of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select a contractor for AV services at the Dixie Convention Center (DCC). The project involves the upgrading and/or replacement of the current Crestron AV control system. Bids are due March 10, 2025. The contractor will be selected on March 17,2025, with the actual start of work to be scheduled around the DCC’s event calendar.

Download RFP for AV Control System at Dixie Convention Center

To receive consideration, responses to this RFP must be received no later than 4:00 pm on March 10, 2025. Electronic and hard copy proposals are each acceptable.

Attention: Jared Stephenson
Dixie Convention Center
1835 Convention Center Drive
St. George, UT 84790
(Google Maps)
(435) 301-7788

Prior to the submission deadline, Washington County may amend or clarify the RFP in the case of any discrepancies or omissions. Any change will be posted as a formal written addendum on the Washington County website. In the event of a revision to the RFP after the closing date, candidates will have an opportunity to refine, submit or resubmit their proposals.

Each proposal will be reviewed and scored according to the Selection Process contained in the RFP. Proposal are anticipated to be selected by March 17, 2025.

Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) logo

Veyo Bridge Closure and Repairs UDOT

Public Information – Veyo Bridge Closure and Repairs

What Happened?

During a routine biennial inspection inspectors discovered some cracking in plates used to retrofit the bridge.

What does it mean to me?

  • THE BRIDGE WILL BE CLOSED from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday and Sunday, February 8th and 9th.
  • THE BRIDGE WILL BE CLOSED from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, February 10th through the 13th.
  • During hours when the bridge is open, traffic will be restricted to a single lane down the center of the bridge. An automated signal will control the alternating traffic over the bridge.
  • Vehicles with a gross weight of over 30 tons will continue to be restricted until repairs are completed Thursday afternoon and must use another route.
  • Some school bus times and routes may see alterations through Thursday.

What are we doing about it?

  • We are replacing the cracked plates to restore the bridge to its previous retrofitted condition so that both lanes will be open to regular traffic as quickly as possible.
  • Our motor carriers division is restricting oversized and overweight loads.
  • Out of an abundance of caution, we are alternating traffic on the center of the bridge to further reduce load stresses.
  • We are coordinating with emergency and public services during the closure period.
  • Our structural engineering team is conducting research to determine a long-term solution or replacement.
  • Responding to questions at udotregion4@utah.gov.
Dixie Convention Center

RFP for Carpeting, Fire Alarm System, and Painting at Dixie Convention Center

There are three (3) Request for Proposals (RFP) to select contractor(s) at the Dixie Convention Center (DCC). The contractor(s) will be selected (commission approval post award is required) on February 21, 2025, with the actual start of work to be scheduled around the DCC’s event calendar.

Download RFP for Carpeting Meeting Rooms at Dixie Convention Center

Download RFP for Fire Alarm System Replacement at Dixie Convention Center

Download RFP for Painting Meeting Rooms at Dixie Convention Center

To receive consideration, responses to this RFP must be received no later than 4:00 pm on February 14, 2025. Electronic and hard copy proposals are each acceptable.

Attention: Jared Stephenson
Dixie Convention Center
1835 Convention Center Drive
St. George, UT 84790
(Google Maps)
(435) 301-7788

Prior to the submission deadline, Washington County may amend or clarify the RFP in the case of any discrepancies or omissions. Any change will be posted as a formal written addendum on the Washington County website. In the event of a revision to the RFP after the closing date, candidates will have an opportunity to refine, submit or resubmit their proposals.

Each proposal will be reviewed and scored according to the Selection Process contained in these RFPs. Proposal are anticipated to be selected by February 21, 2025.