Request For Proposal for:
Legacy Park Warmup Area by Covered Arena
Washington County Legacy Park is seeking sealed-bid proposals from Licensed General Building contractors to acquire any necessary permits, and provide equipment and labor for all labor, materials and permits for a metal cover over warm up area.
Download details for RFP — Legacy Park Warmup Area by Covered Arena
Proposals shall be submitted to:
Washington County Commission
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, UT 84770
(Google Maps)
Proposals may be submitted in hardcopy format. Facsimile or emailed proposals will NOT be accepted. Proposals must be marked “LEGACY PARK WARM UP ARENA COVER”. They are due in the Washington County Commission office by 5:00 pm local time on Monday, February 28, 2022. A public opening of the proposals will be held the following day after the submission deadline at the Washington County Commission Chamber.