Washington County of Utah

Notice of Public Hearings – Zone Changes

The Washington County Planning Commission will be holding a Public Hearing regarding the following zone changes:

  1. OST-20 (Open Space Transition 20-acre minimum lot size) zone to a RE-40 (Residential Estate 40,000 square feet minimum lot size) zone. The parcels considered for re-zoning are 7129-A-1-NW, 7129-B-NW, and BSH-2-A-N, located near Brookside Summer Home Subdivision. Applicant is Ryan Burton.
  2. A-20 (Agricultural 20-acre minimum lot size) zone to an A-10 (Agricultural 10-acre minimum lot size) zone. The parcel considered for re-zoning is 3017-B-5-NS, approximately located at 1309 E 800 N. The applicant is Jay Helvey.

The Washington County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing regarding this matter on Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 at 1:30pm in the Washington County Administration Building Commission Chambers, and via electronic means through Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Topic: Planning Commission
Time: Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 at 1:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 817 7471 1643
Passcode: 700455

In-Person Meeting

Washington County Administration Building
Commission Chambers
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)

Interested persons are encouraged to attend this meeting and express any opinions regarding the public hearing. You may also express your opinions in writing prior to the meeting. Your written comments can be
sent to:

Washington County Community Development
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)
Phone: 435-301-7250

Posted: June 28, 2023.
POSTED: Washington County Administrative Building, Washington County Branch Libraries – Enterprise/Hildale/Hurricane/New Harmony/Santa Clara/Springdale/St. George/Washington City and the Utah State Public Notice.

Washington County of Utah

Public Hearing for “Restoring the Utah State Flag” Initiative

Notice of Public Hearing

Utah legislature recently passed SB31, changing the Utah state flag. A statewide initiative has begun to repeal SB31 and restore the Utah state flag. This serves as notice for the public hearing for the statewide initiative “Restoring the Utah State Flag” as required by UCA 20A-7-204.1, which will be held at the following location, date, and time:

St. George Library
Forsyth Community Room A
88 West 100 South
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)
Monday, June 5, 2023, at 5:30 PM