Notice of Hearing
Please note that the sponsors of Unite for Term Limits, a statewide citizen initiative, will hold public hearings on the initiative at the following locations at the times indicated. To view the initiative application and read the proposed law, go to
Locations & Schedule
Southwest Region
Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 9:00 am
Brigham’s Playhouse
25 N. 300 West #C1, Washington, Utah 84780
(Google Maps)
Central Region
Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 9:30 am
Juab County School District office
346 E. 600 North, Nephi, Utah 84648
(Google Maps)
Mountain Region
Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 1:30 pm
Springville Public Library
Multipurpose Room, 45 S. Main, Springville, Utah 84663
(Google Maps)
Uintah Basin Region
Tuesday, 27 August 2019 at 6:30 pm
Crossroads Senior Center
50 E. 200 South, Roosevelt, Utah 84066
(Google Maps)
Southeast Region
Thursday, 29 August 2019 at 5:30 pm
Utah State University Eastern boardroom
451 E. 400 North, Price, Utah
(Google Maps)
Wasatch Front Region
Saturday, 31 August 2019 at 10:30 am
Millcreek Community Library, Rooms B&C
2266 E. Evergreen Avenue, E. Millcreek, Utah 84109
(Google Maps)
Bear River Region
Saturday, 31 August 2019 at 2:00 pm
Whittier Community Center
290 N. 400 East, Logan, Utah 84321
(Google Maps)