Yesterday, April 16th was recognized as the Great Utah Shakeout day where government entities and other organizations around the state participate in Earthquake drills. As we remember the recent earthquake up north, and as we recognize that we have several earthquake faults in the Washington County area, we feel that it is appropriate to be prepared for that possibility in our area.
At 10:00 am yesterday, the Washington County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) participated in an exercise for the Great Utah Shakeout. Coordinating with emergency responders and other local agencies, the county walked through what-if scenarios that aided in planning and preparing for the possibility of an earthquake.
Commenting on the preparation efforts, Commissioner Gil Almquist stated, “We know earthquakes aren’t a matter of if, but when. Preparing for a crisis well in advance is how we do things in Washington County.”
We encourage everyone to take a minute to #BeReadyUtah, and review the states resources at: We also encourage everyone to know how to respond in the event of an earthquake, especially reviewing the drop, cover, and hold on safety practices:
Be ready, stay safe, and stay connected with our Washington County EOC Facebook page for the best information in the event of an emergency.