Deadline for Party Affiliation
Per Utah state law, the deadline for voters to update their party affiliation is March 31st for the 2022 Primary Election.
Partisan Primary elections are when individual political parties select the candidate that will represent their party in the November General Election. Each political party in Utah decides whether they will have an “open” primary election (open to all registered voters regardless of which party they are affiliated with) or a “closed” primary election (closed to any voter not registered with that specific party).
The following political parties will have an OPEN primary: Democratic Party, Independent American Party and the United Utah Party. Any registered voter may request to receive an OPEN primary ballot.
The following political parties will have a CLOSED primary: Constitution Party, Libertarian Party and the Republican Party. Voters must be affiliated with the CLOSED primary party to be able to receive a ballot.
If you are already affiliated with a political party that is having a primary election, you will be mailed that party’s ballot, unless you have selected another political party choice.
Not every registered voter will receive a ballot because some political parties will not need to have a Primary Election.
Additionally, if you are an UNAFFILIATED voter, a ballot will not be mailed to you. However, if you would like to participate in a primary election, you still have some options including requesting a ballot for an open primary or affiliating with one of the closed primary parties.
If you would like a ballot for an OPEN primary party, please update your ballot preference by going to or contacting the County Clerk’s office at or call (435) 301-7248.
If you would like a ballot for a CLOSED primary party, you will need to affiliate with that political party no later than March 31st. Your party affiliation can be updated by going to or in person at the county clerk’s office.
Voters may only vote in ONE primary per election cycle. We encourage everyone to double check their voter registration information to ensure their political party affiliation is correct.