Category Archives: Elections

Vote by Mail, Register Online by June 19,

Public Notice – Automatic Tabulating Equipment, Post Election Audit, and Canvass Meeting


Testing of Automatic Tabulating Equipment

In the event of a recount for Utah’s 2nd Congressional District (CD2), and in accordance with UCA 20A-4-104, testing of the automatic tabulating equipment will be held at the Washington County Administration Building, 111 East Tabernacle Street, St George, Utah 84770 on Monday, July 22, 2024 at 12:00pm. The meeting will begin in the outside office, Entrance C. This office is located on the north side of the building, facing east.

Post Election Audit

In the event of a recount for Utah’s 2nd Congressional District (CD2), and in accordance with UCA 20A-1-104(1)(f(ii) the Washington County Clerk shall hold a Post-Election Audit on Monday, July 29, 2024 at 12:00pm at the Washington County Administration Building, 111 East Tabernacle Street, St George, Utah 84770. The meeting will begin in the outside office, Entrance C. This office is located on the north side of the building, facing east.

Canvass Meeting

In the event of a recount for Utah’s 2nd Congressional District (CD2), and in accordance with UCA 20A-4-401 a special Board of Canvassers meeting will be held Monday, July 29, 2024 at 2:30pm. The meeting will be held in the Washington County Commission Chambers, located at 111 East Tabernacle Street, St George Utah 84770.

Washington County Administration Building

A statement from Commissioners about June 25, 2024, elections

As county commissioners, our limited role in the election process is to sit as the board of canvassers. We are confident in Clerk-Auditor’s administration of this election, and we were pleased to certify the results. Again, we express our appreciation for the great work provided by Clerk/Auditor Ryan Sullivan and his staff in the June 25, 2024 election.

Click here to read the Commissioners’ full statement about June 25 elections.

Vote by Mail, Register Online by June 19,

Public Notice – Testing of Automatic Tabulating Equipment & Post Election Audit

Testing of Automatic Tabulating Equipment

In accordance with UCA 20A-4-104, testing of the automatic tabulating equipment will be held at the Washington County Administration Building, 111 E Tabernacle, St George, on Monday, June 3, 2024 at noon. The meeting will begin in the outside office, Entrance C. This office is located on the north side of the building, facing east.

Post Election Audit

In accordance with UCA 20A-1-104(1)(f(ii) the Washington County Clerk shall hold a Post-Election Audit on Monday July 8, 2024 at 12:00 pm at the Washington County Administration Building, 111 E Tabernacle, St George. The meeting will begin in the outside office, Entrance C. This office is located on the north side of the building, facing east.

Vote by Mail, Register Online by June 19,

Election Notice for 2024


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that candidates are to be elected for the following offices at the upcoming regular general election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

  1. This is a list of offices to be filled at the regular general election to be held in Washington County, Utah on Tuesday, November 5, 2024;
  2. Filing Fees for County Positions are included;
  3. The Declaration of Candidacy filing period for qualified political party candidates begins Tuesday, January 2, 2024 and ends at 5:00 pm, Monday, January 8, 2024;
  4. The Declaration of Candidacy filing period for local board of education candidates begins Tuesday, January 2, 2024 and ends at 5:00 pm, Monday, January 8, 2024;
  5. The Declaration of Candidacy filing period for registered political party candidates begins on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 and ends at 5:00 p.m., Monday, April 29, 2024;
  6. The Declaration of Candidacy filing period for justices and judges of a court of record begins Monday, July 1, 2024 and ends at 5:00 p.m., Monday, July 15, 2024;
  7. The Declaration of Intent to Gather Signatures period for qualified political party candidates begins on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 and ends at 5:00 p.m., on Monday, January 8, 2024;
  8. Qualified political party candidates must submit nomination petition signatures no later than 14 days before the day on which the qualified political party holds its convention to select candidates for elective office;
  9. Registered political party candidates must submit nomination petition signatures no later than April 1, 2024.

The Washington County Clerk’s office hours are Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm, excluding federal holidays, and is located at 111 E Tabernacle, St George Utah (Google Maps).

    1. *U.S. President and Vice President. For a four (4) year term
    2. *U.S. Senate. One (1) Senator for a six (6) year term
    3. *U.S. House of Representatives. One U.S. Congressman in the Second (2nd) Congressional District for a two (2) year term. The U.S. 2nd Congressional District is located in Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Millard, Piute, Sevier, Tooele, Washington, and Wayne Counties, and portions of Davis, Juab and Salt Lake counties.
  2. *Candidates must file in the Lt Governor’s Office in Salt Lake City.

  3. STATE
    1. State Executive:
      1. *Governor for a four (4) year term
      2. *Lieutenant Governor for a four (4) year term
      3. *Attorney General for a four (4) year term
      4. *State Auditor for a four (4) year term
      5. *State Treasurer for a four (4) year term
  4. *Candidates must file in the Lt Governor’s Office in Salt Lake City

  5. SENATE (2)
    1. One member will be elected from District Twenty-Seven (27) for a four (4) year term. This District is located in Sanpete and Sevier Counties and portions of Garfield, Juab, Kane, Millard, Piute, Utah, Washington and Wayne Counties
    2. One member will be elected from District Twenty-Nine (29) for a four (4) year term. This District is located in Washington County
  6. Candidates can file at the Lt Governor’s Office or in the county of their residence.

    1. One member will be elected from the Utah House of Representatives District Seventy-Two (72) for a two (2) year term
    2. One member will be elected from the Utah House of Representatives District Seventy-Three (73) for a two (2) year term
    3. One member will be elected from the Utah House of Representatives District Seventy-Four (74) for a two (2) year term
    4. One member will be elected from the Utah House of Representatives District Seventy-Five (75) for a two (2) year term
  8. Candidates can file at the Lt Governor’s Office or in the county of their residence.

    1. One member will be elected for a four (4) year term from District Fifteen (15). This District is located in Garfield, Kane, Piute, San Juan, Washington and Wayne Counties and a portion of Iron County. One member for a four (4) year term
    1. Supreme Court. There will be a retention election for one (1) Supreme Court Judge, provided that the incumbent whose term is expiring files during the filing period
    2. Court of Appeals. There will be a retention election for one (1) Court of Appeals Judge, provided that the incumbent whose term is expiring files during the filing period
    3. District Court. There will be a retention election for three (3) Judges in the Fifth Judicial District which consists of Beaver, Iron, and Washington Counties
    4. Juvenile Court. There will be a retention election for two (2) Juvenile Court Judge, providing that the incumbent whose term is expiring files during the filing period
    5. Justice Court. Any Justice Court judge whose term is expiring shall be subject to an unopposed retention election in the county or counties which the judge is appointed is located
  11. COUNTY
      Elected County Wide

    1. Commissioner “Seat C” for a four (4) year term
    2. County Assessor for a four (4) year term
    3. County Clerk/Auditor for a special two (2) year term
    4. County Recorder for a four (4) year term
    5. County Treasurer for a four (4) year term
  12. LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION 1, 2, and 3
    1. Washington County Board of Education District #1 for a four (4) year term
    2. Washington County Board of Education District #2 for a four (4) year term
    3. Washington County Board of Education District #3 for a four (4) year term
    1. In accordance with Utah Code Section 20A-6-305, the master ballot position list will be established within 30 days after the January 8, 2024 candidate filing deadline
    1. U.S President $500.00
    2. U.S Vice President $500.00
    3. U.S. Senate $1,355.00
    4. U.S. House of Representatives $485.00
    5. Governor $964.50
    6. Lieutenant Governor $873.05
    7. Attorney General $918.78
    8. State Auditor $873.05
    9. State Treasurer $873.05
    10. Utah State Senate $116.05
    11. Utah House of Representatives $83.02
    12. State Board of Education $90.61
    13. Court of Record Judge or Justice $50.00
    14. *County Commission Seat C $640.20
    15. *County Assessor $640.20
    16. *County Clerk/Auditor (Special 2yr) $345.10
    17. *County Recorder $640.20
    18. *County Treasurer $640.20
    19. Justice Court Judge $25.00
    20. Local Board of Education $50.00

Candidates who do not wish to affiliate with a ballot-approved political party may appear on the ballot by submitting a petition. Candidates for any State office must submit a petition with the signatures of 1,000 registered Utah voters. Candidates for any other political division smaller than the State must submit a petition with the signatures of at least 300 registered voters residing within the political division or at least 5% of the registered voters residing within a political division, whichever is less. The names on the petition must be verified by the county clerk(s) as registered voters.

After the petition has been verified, candidates for state office are required to file the petition and a Certificate of Nomination for candidates with the Lt Governor’s Office, for state positions and the County Clerk’s Office for county positions between February 28, 2024 and ends at 5:00 p.m. on March 4, 2024.

Unaffiliated candidates must pay the same filing fees as all other state or local candidates.

NOTE: Local School Board positions are NON Partisan.

To become a valid write-in candidate for a state office, county office or local school board position, an individual must file a Declaration of Write-In Candidacy no later than *65 days before the regular general election, Tuesday, September 3, 2024, (Office is closed September 2, 2024 for Labor Day).

Write-In Candidates must meet the qualifications required for the state or local office they are seeking and pay the filing fee.

Filing the Declaration of Write-In Candidacy means that the write-in votes for the candidate will be counted. The candidate’s name will not appear on the ballot.

*No Write-In Line will be available if there is not a registered write-in candidate.

Ryan Sullivan
Washington County Clerk/Auditor