Whereas, the Saddle Fire started burning in rough and inaccessible terrain on Pine Valley Mountain on or about June 13, 2016;
Whereas, high winds, high temperatures, steep slopes, and rocky terrain prevented firefighters from safely attacking the fire in its early stages;
Whereas, multiple drone intrusions have resulted in the compromised safety and well-being of aircraft and flight crews and have further hampered firefighting efforts;
Whereas, the Saddle Fire continues to grow and poses an immediate threat to the Town of Pine Valley, and its infrastructure.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, on behalf of the citizens of Washington County, the Washington County Commission hereby declares this to be a Local ‘State of Emergency’ and hereby authorizes the Sheriff and other lawful Officials to take necessary measures including, but not limited to: road closures and evacuations — as are consistent with the preservation of life and property, and with effectively supporing fire suppression efforts.
DATED, this 21st day of June, 2016
SIGNED: Victor Iverson, Acting Commission Chair
ATTEST: Kim Hafen, County clerk
Click here to view signed official document
If you have questions or comments, please contact us:
Alan Gardner, Commission Chair (Send an Email)
Victor Iverson, Acting Commission Chair (Send an Email)
Zachary Renstrom, Commissioner (Send an Email)
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, UT 84770
P: 435.301.7000
F: 435.634.5753
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