Washington County — Dixie National Forest
Middle Pinto Bridge No. 30009-7.7
Washington County will receive sealed proposals until 2:00 pm local time, Friday, June 14, 2019, at the Washington County Commission Office, 111 East Tabernacle, St. George, Utah (Google Maps), for the following project:
Washington County Dixie National Forest Middle Pinto Bridge No. 30009-7.7 located in Section 34 of Township 37 South, Range 15 West, Salt Lake Base & Meridian, within the Town of Pinto, in Washington County, Utah.
This project consists of: clearing & grubbing, construction surveys, excavation, removal and disposal of existing bridge, earthwork cut and fill, timber bridge construction, roadway, and riprap.
Bids will be opened publicly at 2:05 pm, Friday, June 14, 2019, in the Downstairs Conference Room of the Washington County Administration Building, 111 East Tabernacle, St. George, Utah.
Bid documents may be downloaded from the Washington County website @ OR obtained on or after Thursday, June 06, 2019, from Washington County Public Works Department, 111 East Tabernacle, St. George, Utah 84770. Please contact Washington County Public Works Dept. at 435-301-7670 to reserve a printed set of plans and specs for $30.00 (non-refundable) per set.
NOTE: Bidder attendance at the pre-bid conference and site visit is RECOMMENDED, but NOT MANDATORY.
Visit Public Works to download Bid Documents