Category Archives: Public Notices

Notice of Vacancy – Washington County Planning Commission

NOTICE is hereby given that there are two (2) vacancies on the Washington County Planning Commission.

To qualify for appointment to that Board, an individual must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be a U.S. Citizen;
  • Reside in Washington County;
  • Be registered to vote in Washington County

Those wishing to serve on the Washington County Planning Commission should submit a Candidate for Appointment form (click here to download) to the Washington County Commission Office (Google Maps) no later than Thursday, December 29, 2016.

The County Commission will consider the nominees for appointment to this board at its January 17, 2017, County Commission meeting.

Published in The Spectrum December 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, 2016.

Sand Hollow

Notice of Bid Invitation – Old Highway 91 Clear Zone Improvement, Sign Replacement and Culvert Extension Project

Washington County will receive sealed proposals until 10:00 am local time, Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at the Washington County Commission Office (Google Maps).

Click here for downloadable documents

This project consists of: Construction of roadway earthwork, culverts, box culvert extensions, sign replacement, delineators and pavement marking paint.

Bids will be opened publicly at 10:00 am, Tuesday, December 13, 2016, at the Washington County Commission Chambers, Washington County Administration Building (Google Maps).

Notice of Vacancies — Angel Springs, Water Conservancy, and RAP Tax

NOTICE is hereby given that there are the following vacancies:

  • One (1) vacancy on the Angel Springs Special Service District Administrative Control Board (download application)
  • Three (3) vacancies on the Board of Trustees of the Water Conservancy District (download application)
  • Four (4) vacancies on the Washington County Recreation, Arts, and Parks (RAP) Advisory Board (download application)

To qualify for appointment to a board, an individual must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Be a U.S. Citizen;
  2. Reside in Washington County;
  3. Be registered to vote in Washington County;
  4. Be a qualified elector (registered voter) within the district to which you are applying (if applicable)

Those wishing to serve on any of the above boards should below no later than Thursday, November 17, 2016.

Washington County Commission Office
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps) 

The County Commission will consider the nominees for appointment to this board at its December 20, 2016, County Commission meeting.

Published in The Spectrum October 17, 2016 through October 21, 2016, inclusive.

Zion National Park

RFP for Pre-Engineered Metal Building at Legacy Park

Washington County is requesting proposals from Pre-Engineered Metal Building manufacturers to provide a new metal building to be built at the Washington County Legacy Park, Hurricane City, Utah. This proposal is for the metal building package only, future construction including metal building erection will be provided by a general contractor to be selected after the plans are prepared and the general contractor bidding process has been completed. The requested building shall consist of approximately 19,300 sq.ft. and be constructed adjacent to a conventionally framed office area. Further information including preliminary plans are available to the Pre-Engineered Metal Building manufacturing companies by contacting Nicholle Felshaw: call at 435-301-7000; or send an email.

Proposals are due to the Washington County Commission Office by 5:00 pm on September 29, 2016.

Published in The Spectrum: Friday, September 23, 2016 and Saturday, September 24, 2016


Washington County Commission
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, UT  84770
Account #: 1359
(Google Maps)

Notice of Public Hearing for Proposition 1 – Sales Tax for Transportation

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on August 16, 2016, the County Commission of Washington County, Utah, adopted a resolution in which it authorized a ballot proposition seeking the registered voter’s opinion on the imposition of a sales and use tax of 0.25% for highways and transportation pursuant to Title 59, Chapter 12, Part 22 of the Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended and called a public hearing to receive input from the public with respect to the proposed tax. If approved, the tax revenue would provide funding for transportation improvement such as roads, trails, sidewalks, maintenance, bus services, traffic and pedestrian safety features. The revenue would be divided among the county, cities, and towns in accordance with Utah law.

Time, Place, and Location of Public Hearing

The Commission shall hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 18, 2016, at the hour of 6:00 pm in the County Administration Building, located at:

111 East Tabernacle Street
St. George, UT 84770
(Google Maps)

The purpose of the hearing is to receive input from the public with respect to the proposed tax. All members of the public are invited to attend and participate.

If special accommodations are required, please contact Nicholle Felshaw (435-301-7000 or email) with reasonable advance notice.

Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call the Relay Utah by dialing 711. For Spanish, dial Spanish Relay Utah 888-346-3162.

Published in The Spectrum newspaper on October 1, 2016 and October 8, 2016. Posted in conjunction with publishing:

Kim M. Hafen
Washington County of Utah

Notice of Vacancy – Diamond Valley Fire Special Service District Administrative Control Board

NOTICE is hereby given that there are five (5) vacancies on the Diamond Valley Fire Special Service District Administrative Control Board.

To qualify for appointment to that Board, an individual must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Be a U.S. Citizen;
  2. Be a registered voter residing in the boundary of the Diamond Valley Fire Special Service District

Those wishing to serve on the Diamond Valley Fire District Administrative Control Board should submit a Notice of Candidacy form (click here to download) to the Washington County Commission no later than Friday, September 30, 2016. You may also pick up an application at the County Commission Office:

County Commission 
c/o Cheyenne Bentley
111 East Tabernacle Street
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)

Forms may be submitted by the following options:

Questions may be addressed to Cheyenne Bentley at (435) 301-7000.

The County Commission will consider the nominees for appointment to this board at its October 18, 2016, County Commission meeting.

Published in The Spectrum August 31, 2016 through Septmeber 4, 2016, inclusive.

Zion National Park

Proposition 1 – Sales Tax for Transportation

Click here to learn about Proposition 1 – Sales Tax for Transportation

At the Commission meeting held on August 16th, there was a discussion in regards to a ballot initiative for a ¼ of 1% sales tax for transportation. To become better aware of the issue, please watch the informational discussion video (click here). It was determined that Proposition 1, Local Option Sales Tax, will be added to the ballot in November to be voted on by the citizens of Washington County. Please pass this along to Washington County residents so that they too will be informed come the November election.