Washington County Clerk/Auditor is seeking bid proposals for Election Ballot Processing, Signature Capture Automation, Equipment and Servicing.
The purpose of this request for proposal is to enter into a contract with a qualified firm to provide equipment, software, service and support to fully automate the receipt and processing of vote by mail ballots. This automation must include processing vote history, and signature capture and comparisons. The system must sort the ballots into workable batches based upon criteria such as precincts, cities, legislative districts, whether a ballot can be counted, needs review, needs ID, or is rejected. System must be able to exchange files and data with our current voter registration database (VISTA). Responses to this RFP must be able to fully automate our process outlined and if feasible, automate the removal of a privacy tab or other method to expose the voter signature for processing. And, specifically state in a separate line item the cost of this feature for County consideration. It is anticipated that this RFP may result in a contract award to a single contractor. Project must be fully implemented and tested by June 1, 2023 in time for the Municipal Primary Election in the middle of August, 2023.
Bid documents can be picked up at the Washington County Clerk’s Office starting Monday January 30 through February 28, 2023.
Melanie Abplanalp
Election Administrator
111 E Tabernacle
St George UT 84770
(Google Maps)
(435) 652-5891
PROPOSAL DUE: February 28, 2023
Proposal must be marked “SEALED BIDS ELECTION BALLOT PROCESSING” and are due not later than 4:30 pm on February 28, 2023. Facsimile or emailed proposals will not be accepted. A public opening of the proposals will be held the following day, Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 8:30am in the upstairs conference room located at:
Washington County Administration Bldg.
111 E Tabernacle St
St George UT 84770
(Google Maps)