Category Archives: Press Releases

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CJC RFP for Mental Health Professionals


NOTICE is hereby given that Washington County is seeking applications from Mental Health Professionals to independently contract with the Children’s Justice Center to provide services to victims and their family members. A full description of the position is available at the Washington County Commission Office. Those with questions may contact Kristi Pike at the Children’s Justice Center.

To qualify, an individual must submit the following:

  1. CV or Resume;
  2. Proof of a Master’s degree and must be a licensed, certified mental health professional;
  3. Proof of Insurance;
  4. Proof of 40 hours of evidence based trauma training recognized by the National Children’s Alliance. Trainings may include, but are not limited to: TF-CBT, PCIT, AF-CBT, EMDR, CFTSI, SPP, PSB-CBT, PE-A;
  5. Proof of Utah DOPL Licensure

Those wishing to apply should submit the above no later than Friday, September 7, 2018 to the Washington County Commission Office:

Washington County Commission
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, UT  84770
(Google Maps)

Published in The Spectrum August 29, 2018

Vote By Mail Elections


By Mail voters will be receiving their ballots 3 weeks before each Election Day. Eligible registered voters in Washington County do not need to request a ballot to be mailed to them, one will be mailed to their residential or mailing address automatically.

NOTE: The Post Office cannot “Forward” ballots. In the event that a resident will be traveling or will be away from their residence, the registered voter can go to and fill out an absentee ballot request. By filling out this absentee ballot request the resident will be able to tell us where to mail their ballot for each individual election.

To ensure that voters get their ballot quickly, if you have moved or have had a mailing address change, please go to and re-register to vote with your current residential and or mailing address.

Any voter who wishes to opt out of receiving a By Mail ballot must do so in writing. Opt out letters must be submitted to:

Washington County Clerk’s Office
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, UT 84770-3443
(Google Maps)

Vote Center locations will be announced at a later time.

Dammeron Valley Flood Control Measures – Public Work Meeting Notice: August 13, 2018

July 16, 2018

To: Dammeron Valley Residents:

The Washington County Commissioners will be meeting with Federal agencies over the next several weeks to discuss potential solutions on flood control measures in Dammeron Valley.

There will be a public meeting held on Monday, August 13, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at the Dammeron Valley Fire Station, where the Commissioners will hear some of your ideas and potential solutions as well as be prepared to share their findings.

In the interim, the Commissioners wanted to ensure that Dammeron Valley residents are aware of a possible property tax adjustment for homes that sustained 30% or more valuation loss as a result of a natural disaster, (Utah State Code 59-2-1004.5).

Any resident that feels he/she may qualify is encouraged to contact the Washington County Assessor’s Office at: 435-301-7020.

Attached you will find the Public Notice Work Meeting Agenda, the Utah State Code 59-2-1004.5 as well as the Washington County Assessor’s letter explaining the process in more detail.

Best Regards,

Washington County Commission

Sign up for Emergency Alerts @

Sign up for Emergency Alerts @

Sign up for Emergency Alerts @

Receive alerts for emergencies and other important community messages by signing up for the Citizen Alert System for Washington County, Utah. This notification system enables the cities within Washington County Utah to provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as unexpected road closures, missing persons, and evacuation of buildings or neighborhoods.

You will receive time-sensitive messages using whichever method you specify, such as your home, cell, or business phone, email, text message, hearing impaired receiving devices, and more. You pick where, you pick how.

Individuals with disabilities who need assistance can register by calling Washington County Citizen Alert at 435-627-4914.

Powered by Everbridge

Chip Seal Road Projects for July, 2018

Washington County Road Department will be chip sealing various roads in July 2018 according to the schedule below. Please be aware of County Road Department personnel and equipment. Drivers may want to avoid these areas if possible and plan for extra time when you are traveling.

  • Monday, July 09, 2018 — East Veyo
  • Tuesday, July 10, 2018 — Veyo to Gunlock MM 13
  • Wednesday, July 11, 2018 — Veyo to Gunlock MM 9.25
  • Thursday, July 12, 2018 — Veyo to Gunlock MM6 & McGregor Pl
  • Monday, July 16, 2018 — Gunlock Rd MM2.75
  • Tuesday, July 17, 2018 — Gunlock Rd to Old Highway 91
  • Tuesday, July 17, 2018 — Motoqua Rd (some Old Highway 91)
  • Wednesday, July 18, 2018 — Portions of Old Highway 91
  • Thursday, July 19, 2018 — Legacy Park Roads

FREE Summer Meals for Kids

Free Summer Meals are available to ALL children age 18 and younger within Washington County. No Fees. No registration. Just show up!!! Download flyer (English | Español).

Monday — Thursday, June 4 — July 19, 2018. NO meals on Friday’s, except Sandtown Park.

Legacy Elementary
280 East 100 South, St. George, UT (Map)
11:45 AM — 12:45 PM
Red Mountain Elementary
263 East 200 South, Ivins, UT (Map)
11:45 AM — 12:45 PM
Dixie Sun Elementary
1795 West 1230 North, St. George, UT (Map)
11:45 AM — 12:45 PM
Hurricane Community Center
35 West State Street, Hurricane, UT (Map)
11:30 AM — 12:30 PM
Sandtown Park
East Side of Park
600 North Bluff Street, St. George, UT (Map)
11:00 AM — 12:00 PM
(Tuesday — Friday)
Washington City Veterans Park
75 East Telegraph, Washington, UT (Map)
11:30 AM — 12:30 PM

Adult and second meals may be purchased at a cost of $4.00/meal. CASH ONLY

This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider.

Washington County of Utah

2018 Tax Sale


Notice is hereby given that on May 24, 2018, at 10:00 AM, I will offer for sale (unless redeemed prior to sale) at public auction, pursuant to the provisions of section 59-2-1351 Utah Code, the following described real estate situated in said county and now held by it under preliminary tax sale. This sale will be located in the Washington County Administration Building, 111 East Tabernacle, St George, Utah (Google Maps), and will be by open bidding wherein the full parcel will be sold to the highest dollar bidder. No bids will be accepted for an amount less than the outstanding balance as shown below which includes taxes, interest, penalty, and administrative costs. Any amount received in excess of the outstanding balance will be treated as surplus property and be paid to the State Treasurer. Successful bidders must tender full payment to the Washington County Treasurer by 4:00 pm of the business day immediately following the day of the tax sale. A partial payment of no less than 25% (non-refundable) of the bid amount must be paid to the Treasurer on the day of the sale. Payments must be cash, wire transfer, or certified funds made payable to the “Washington County Treasurer” in the exact amount of the bid. If a successful bidder fails to satisfy the requirements of this subsection, the Clerk/Auditor may contact the next highest bidder and offer the property to that bidder for the amount of the bidder’s highest bid. If this bidder declines to accept the offer, the Clerk/Auditor may then contact the next highest bidder.

The County Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any sale although it is their intent to accept all sales that meet the minimum bid requirement. The Washington County Commission will ratify this sale on June 5th, at its regular scheduled commission meeting.

PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility of the bidder to determine the physical aspects of the land, its geographical location, accessibility, and availability or validity of water rights.

Kim M. Hafen

Published in the Spectrum
April 29 and May 6, 13 & 20, 2018

RFP for Ballot Printing Services

Washington County Clerk is seeking bid proposals for Ballot Printing Services from qualified printers to provide a variety of optical scan ballot lengths – 11”, 14” 17” and 19” ballots. Print Election Ballot Envelope set(s), outgoing and return envelopes. Full service printing, processing and mailing of all By Mail election ballots.

All ballots that are printed must meet ES&S Election Systems and Software requirements, an ES&S Ballot Productions Guide is available on request.

All envelope set(s), outgoing and return envelopes with voter signature covered, must meet USPS, the State of Utah and Washington County requirements.

Bid documents can be picked up at the Washington County Clerk’s Office starting Monday March 26, 2018 through April 30, 2018.

Washington County Elections
111 E Tabernacle
St George UT 84770
Account # 1359
(Google Maps)

Publish on Monday March 26