Category Archives: Public Notices

Notice for RAP Tax Special Meeting and Public Hearing


Notice is Hereby Given that the Board of Commissioners of Washington County will hold a special meeting and public hearing to receive input from the citizens of Washington County regarding the renewal of the RAP Tax, a .1% (1/10 of 1%) sales tax used for the development and maintenance of publicly owned Recreational Facilities and Parks, and to support non-profit Cultural Organizations. Equal time will be provided for both those in favor or against the renewal of the RAP Tax.

Hearing Time and Location

The special meeting and public hearing will be held by the Board of Commissioners of Washington County on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 6:00 pm, at:

Washington County Administration Building
Commission Chambers on the 4th floor
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)
Washington County of Utah

Notice of Vacancy for Northwestern Special Service District Administrative Control Board

NOTICE is hereby given that because of the resignation of two members, there are two vacancies on the Northwest Special Service District Administrative Control Board expiring on December 31, 2025. The county invites any interested person to apply for appointment to the board, provided that the person meets the qualifications stated in this notice.

To qualify for appointment to that Board, an individual must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Be a U.S. Citizen;
  2. Be a registered voter residing in the boundary of the Northwestern Special Service District

Those wishing to serve on the Northwestern Special Service District Administrative Control Board should submit a completed Notice of Candidacy form to the Washington County Commission on or before October 11, 2024

The form may be submitted in person at the County Commission office listed below or by email at:

attn: Jayanne Lewis
(435) 301-7005
Washington County Commission Office
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)

Use above for any questions or comments you may have.

Applicants may be invited to interview for the position. The County Commission intends to make appointments to this Board shortly after the application period closes.

Notice Published on September 9, 2024.

Washington County of Utah

Public Notice to Review Miscellaneous Revisions to Zoning Regulations


The Washington County Planning Commission will be holding a Public Hearing to review miscellaneous revisions to Title 10, Zoning Regulations. The Public Hearing will be held on September 10, 2024 at 1:30 PM in the Washington County Commission Chambers.

Review, discuss, hold a public hearing, and make recommendations regarding miscellaneous changes to zoning regulations. Specifically, the Planning Commission will consider the creation of the NHVOZ (New Harmony Valley Overlay Zone); miscellaneous changes to the PD-SBOZ (Planned Development — Scenic Byway Overlay Zone); changes to Title 10, Chapter 15 by adopting new subchapters for walls, fences, landscaping and buffering, and outdoor lighting; and consider the creation of a new Village Commercial zone in Title 10, Chapter 10. The following documents are available for your convenience:

The Washington County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing regarding this matter on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 1:30 PM in the Commission Chambers in the Washington County Administration Building and via Zoom. Access to this meeting is below:

Washington County is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Topic: Planning Commission
Time: Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 1:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID and Passcode can found in its respective Agenda PDF: Meeting Agendas & Notices

In-Person Meeting

Washington County Administration Building
Commission Chambers
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)

Interested persons are encouraged to attend this meeting and express any opinions regarding the public hearing. You may also express your opinions in writing prior to the meeting. Your written comments can be sent to the below information. Also, Washington County will make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled members of the public in accessing County programs. Please contact the Washington County Community Development Department in advance if you have special needs please refer the below information:

Washington County Community Development
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)
Phone: 435-301-7250

POSTED: Washington County Administrative Building, Washington County Branch Libraries – Enterprise/Hildale/Hurricane/New Harmony/Santa Clara/Springdale/St. George/Washington City and the Utah State Public Notice.

Washington County of Utah

Justice Court Vacancy Announced For Washington County

NOTE: As of Tuesday, August 20, 2024, the vacancy has been CLOSED. Thank you for those who applied.


Applications are being accepted for a full-time justice court judge that will serve Washington County, Utah. The position will replace Judge Doug Whitlock who will retire in January.

To be considered for a justice court judgeship in Washington County, candidates must be at least 25 years of age, a citizen of the United States, a Utah resident for at least three years, and have a degree from a law school that would make one eligible to apply for admission to a bar in any state in the United States. In addition, applicants must be a resident of Washington County, an adjacent county, or the judicial district in which the justice court is located either upon appointment or within a reasonable time following appointment.

Information on judicial retention and performance evaluation is posted on the Utah State Court’s website at under employment opportunities. An application for judicial office form must be completed and is available on the court’s website ( The salary for the position is $149,730 per year plus benefits. For additional information about working for Washington County, email Nicholle Felshaw at or call her at (435) 301-7000.

The deadline for applications is Friday, September 13, 2024 at 5 PM and should be sent to the attention of Jim Peters, Administrative Office of the Courts, P.O. Box 140241, Salt Lake City, UT, 84114-0241. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. For questions about the justice courts or the process for filling this position, email Jim Peters, Justice Court Administrator, at

Utah law requires the Judicial Nominating Commission to submit three to five nominees to the Washington County Commission within 45 days of its first meeting. The County Commission will then have 30 days in which to select a finalist. Their selection must then be certified by the Utah Judicial Council.

NOTE: As of Tuesday, August 20, 2024, the vacancy has been CLOSED. Thank you for those who applied.

Washington County Fair logo

Notice of Vacancy for County Fair Advisory Board

NOTICE is hereby given that there are vacancies on the Washington County Fair Advisory Board:

Those wishing to serve on the aforementioned Board should submit a completed Candidacy Application form (above) to the Washington County Commission Office no later than Friday, August 30, 2024.

The completed form may be submitted in person or by email to:

Washington County Commission Office
attn: Sarah Lloyd
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)
Phone: 435-301-7000

The County Commission intends to consider the nominees for appointment to the Board at its September, 2024, County Commission meeting.

Washington County Administration Building

Notice of Planning Commission Meeting Agenda of August 13, 2024


NOTICE: The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning Commission will be held on August 13, 2024, beginning at 1:30 PM in the Commission Chambers in the Washington County Administration Building and via Zoom. Access to this meeting is below:

Washington County is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Topic: Planning Commission
Time: Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 1:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID and Passcode can found in its respective Agenda PDF: Meeting Agendas & Notices

In-Person Meeting

Washington County Administration Building
Commission Chambers
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)

All applications must be reviewed at the Staff Joint Development meeting which are conducted as noticed, usually the first Tuesday of the month. The following complete applications, determined by staff to be ready to proceed to the Planning Commission, are on the Planning Commission agenda and will be heard in the following order:

(Please note: Any public hearing item comments will be limited to 2 minutes per person per item and will be strictly adhered to. A spokesperson representing a group to summarize their concerns will be allowed 5 minutes to speak. Repetitious commentary will not be allowed.)

  1. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (Public Meeting – Administrative). The applicant is seeking approval of a conditional use permit to install fiber optic cable in the New Harmony area. The new area of installation is known as Phase 5B. JUD staff have approved the project, but the applicant needs final approval from the Planning Commission. Applicant is South Central Broadband.
  2. AMENDED PLAT (Public Meeting – Administrative). The applicant is proposing to amend the Staples Planned Development subdivision plat. The proposed amendment consists of adding acreage to parcel SPD-7-HV to include a pond adjacent to the home. The amended plat will also define a secondary emergency access which will become part of the common area. The applicants are John Staples and Heather Turner.
  3. PROJECT PLAN AND ZONE CHANGE (Public Hearing – Legislative). Review a Project Plan and Zone Change request to PD-SBOZ (Planned Development Scenic Byway Overlay Zone) for a portion of Washington County known as Tree’s Ranch. The applicant is proposing to build a resort which will encompass 17 parcels outside of Springdale. The applicant is Parunuweap Canyon, LLC.
  4. COUNTY COMMISSION ACTION REVIEW. Review of action taken by the County Commission. Jay Helvey Zone Change.
  5. COMMISSION & STAFF REPORTS. Rockville Disconnect Notice

REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION: Washington County will make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled members of the public in accessing County programs. Please contact the Washington County Community Development Department in advance if you have special needs (435) 301-7250.

Washington County Community Development
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)
Phone: 435-301-7250

POSTED: Washington County Administrative Building, Washington County Branch Libraries – Enterprise/Hildale/Hurricane/New Harmony/Santa Clara/Springdale/St. George/Washington City and the Utah State Public Notice on August 9, 2024.

Dammeron Valley Highway 18 in Utah

Public Notice – Chip Sealing of County Roadways in the Dammeron Valley, Veyo, Brookside, Baker Dam, and Central Areas

Visit Road Work page for up-to-date information

Washington County Road Department will be conducting Chip Sealing of County Roadways in the Dammeron Valley, Veyo, Brookside, Baker Dam, and Central Areas on the following estimated dates:

  • August 26 – September 3, 2024 Dammeron Valley East and West side Areas
  • September 3 – 9, 2024 Veyo & Brookside Areas
  • September 9 – 12, 2024 Baker Dam Area
  • September 11 – October 10, 2024 Central Area Roads

Brooming of all Roadways will start August 12, 2024, and follow Chip Sealing until October 17, 2024.

Drive slow and cautiously watching for construction workers and equipment. Expect traffic delays but no road closures.

Please park all vehicles off all roadways, right of ways, and into properties. Keep all trash receptacles off roadways.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Visit Road Work page for up-to-date information

Washington County Administration Building

Washington County Sues the United States over Faulty Biological Analysis for the Northern Corridor

“The federal government approved this road and Washington County, relying on that approval, spent several years and $6 million in taxpayer funds to meet extensive environmental requirements,” Washington County Commissioner Adam Snow stated. “The Biden Administration’s attempt to now revoke that approval is not only unlawful, but is also a slap in the face to our county’s citizens. We refuse to stand idly by. There needs to be legal consequences. That’s why we have filed this lawsuit.” The Utah Department of Transportation has also spent over $8.5 million in state funds on the Northern Corridor.

In addition to the large financial repercussions, overturning the prior decision to approve the Northern Corridor will risk the protected status of Zone 6 of the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve. This area west of Bloomington and south of Santa Clara was added to the Reserve as part of the HCP’s response to the 2021 Northern Corridor approval. Almost half of Zone 6 is owned by the State Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA). “Much of this land will be sold for development if the prior plan’s approval is undone, leading to permanent habitat destruction, and ultimately the decimation of hundreds of desert tortoises and thousands of endangered dwarf bear-poppy plants,” Washington County Commissioner Gil Almquist warned.

You can view the full press release and compliant at the link below.

Public Notice – Opinion Question about Recreation, Arts and Parks Sales (RAP) Tax


To all eligible voters of Washington County, Utah:

Take notice that on November 5, 2024, an Opinion Question will be held in Washington County, Utah in conjunction with the general election. The Opinion Question asks if Washington County should be reauthorized to impose the Recreation, Arts, and Parks Sales Tax, commonly known as the RAP Tax.
Eligible Voters of Washington County, Utah, may file a request to submit a written argument for or against the reauthorization of the RAP Tax as follows:

Eligible Voters of Washington County, Utah, may file a request to submit a written argument for or against the reauthorization of the RAP Tax as follows:

  1. All requests and argument submissions can be made to:
  2. Washington County Election Office
    Genna Goodwin, Chief Deputy Clerk
    111 East Tabernacle
    St. George, Utah 84770
    Send a Message
    (Google Maps)
  3. Any eligible voter may file a request to submit a written argument for or against the RAP Tax with the Washington County Election Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 3, 2024.
  4. On September 6, 2024, the Washington County Election Officer will select two eligible voters to prepare written arguments regarding the Opinion Question, that is, one eligible voter will prepare a “for” argument and one will prepare an “against” argument. The selection will be made in accordance with Utah Code Section 20A-7-402(2)(e).
  5. The two selected eligible voters shall submit their arguments to the Washington County Election Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 11, 2024.
    • The written arguments shall not exceed 500 words in length; and
    • List the eligible voter’s name, residential address and postal address (if different), email address, and phone number.
  6. Within one business day after receiving both written arguments, the Washington County Election Officer shall provide a copy of the opposing arguments to the selected eligible voters.
  7. The selected eligible voters may submit written rebuttal arguments to the Washington County Election Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 22, 2024.
    • The written rebuttal arguments shall not exceed 250 words in length; and
    • List the eligible voter’s name, residential address and postal address (if different), email address, and phone number.
  8. The Washington County Board of Commissioners will conduct a public meeting at 6:00 p.m. on October 1, 2024 (or such other date as the County Commission may determine but no later than October 10, 2024) for presentations of the arguments for and against the Opinion Question. Eligible voters desiring to be heard will be provided an opportunity to present oral testimony. Equal time will be given for the arguments.
  9. The Washington County Election Officer shall refuse to accept and publish any untimely request, written argument, or written rebuttal.
  10. Any written argument or rebuttal may not be modified, except as provided in Utah Code 20A-7-402(4) & 59-1-1604(4).

This NOTICE is GIVEN by order of the County Commission of Washington County, Utah on August 5, 2024.

Washington County of Utah

Notice of Public Hearing – Project Plan Development Agreement and Zone Change for Tree’s Ranch Resort Project

The Washington County Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing regarding the Project Plan Development Agreement and Zone Change to PD-SBOZ (Planned Development Scenic Byway Overlay Zone) for the Tree’s Ranch Resort project. The property is located just west of Springdale at approximately 1400 E 1900 S., within the SBOZ (Scenic Byway Overlay Zone), and is currently zoned OST-20 (Open Space Transition 20 acre minimum lot size) and OSC-20 (Open Space Conservation 20 acre minimum lot size). The proposed resort project will encompass 1960.67 acres. The applicant is Parunuweap Canyon LLC.

The Washington County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing regarding this matter on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 1:30 PM in the Washington County Administration Building Commission Chambers, and via electronic means through Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Topic: Planning Commission
Time: Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 1:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID and Passcode can found in its respective Agenda PDF: Meeting Agendas & Notices

In-Person Meeting

Washington County Administration Building
Commission Chambers
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)

Interested persons are encouraged to attend this meeting and express any opinions regarding the public hearing. You may also express your opinions in writing prior to the meeting. Your written comments can be sent to:

Washington County Community Development
111 East Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
(Google Maps)
Phone: 435-301-7250

POSTED: Washington County Administrative Building, Washington County Branch Libraries – Enterprise/Hildale/Hurricane/New Harmony/Santa Clara/Springdale/St. George/Washington City and the Utah State Public Notice.