Category Archives: News

2016 Tax Sale

2016 Tax Sale

Notice is hereby given that on May 26, 2016, at 10:00 AM, I will offer for sale (unless redeemed prior to sale) at public auction, pursuant to the provisions of section 59-2-1351 Utah Code, the following described real estate situated in said county and now held by it under preliminary tax sale. This sale will be located in the Washington County Administration Building, 111 East Tabernacle, St George, Utah, and will be by open bidding wherein the full parcel will be sold to the highest dollar bidder. No bids will be accepted for an amount less than the outstanding balance as shown below which includes taxes, interest, penalty, and administrative costs. Any amount received in excess of the outstanding balance will be treated as surplus property and be paid to the State Treasurer. Successful bidders must tender full payment to the Washington County Treasurer by 4:00 pm of the business day immediately following the day of the tax sale. A partial payment of no less than 25% (non-refundable) of the bid amount must be paid to the Treasurer on the day of the sale. Payments must be cash, wire transfer, or certified funds made payable to the “Washington County Treasurer” in the exact amount of the bid. If a successful bidder fails to satisfy the requirements of this subsection, the Clerk/Auditor may contact the next highest bidder and offer the property to that bidder for the amount of the bidder’s highest bid. If this bidder declines to accept the offer, the Clerk/Auditor may then contact the next highest bidder.

The County Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any sale although it is their intent to accept all sales that meet the minimum bid requirement. The Washington County Commission will ratify this sale on June 7th, at its regular scheduled commission meeting.

PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility of the bidder to determine the physical aspects of the land, its geographical location, accessibility, and availability or validity of water rights.

Kim M. Hafen

Published in the Spectrum
May 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2016

Click here to view the Tax Sale list

Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) Engineering Design Services for Old Highway 91 Project

Click here to view and/or download necessary documents

Washington County, Utah Public Works Department is soliciting competitive sealed Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineers/firms (consultant) to provide services as outlined in the SCOPE OF SERVICES SECTION of this request (see downloadable documents).


Washington County intends to construct improvements to Old Highway 91 from the Arizona border (mile marker 0.0) to the Gunlock Road (mile marker 16.7). The anticipated improvements are listed in the attached document entitled “Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs Prepared For Old Highway 91 Clear Zone Improvements, Sign Replacement, and Culvert Extensions” dated August 14, 2015. A total budget of $1,909,00.50 is available for the project, including $1,735,475 of Utah state funds and $173,547.50 of Washington County funds. The project is intended to be constructed using the Washington County, Utah Construction Design Standards-Adopted August 18, 2009. A copy of those standards is available at the Washington County website: under the Public Works tab. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets will also be a guideline for our construction. Since no Federal funding is to be used on this project, most federal requirements will not apply for this project.

Scope of the Project

Washington County owns the right-of-way and is responsible for maintenance and safety of Old Highway 91. We have compiled some proposed improvements that we believe are needed along the roadway in order to improve safety and provide better flood protection. We are now asking for qualified engineers/firms to help us refine the improvements needed, prioritize the improvements that can be built with the available funding and provide design drawings and specifications to advertise, bid, and build the project. The County employs a full-time Public Works inspector that can provide most of the needed day-to-day inspection; however some construction management services are anticipated to be needed by the consultant.

Click here to view and/or download the necessary documents

Public Lands Summit

Click here to register for the Public Lands Summit of the West

Public lands issues are in the public eye but there is a great deal of misunderstanding about the law, history, and policies that have raised public lands issues to such prominence. In an effort to provide clear and accurate information about these issues, a group of county leaders and public lands users decided to hold this Summit. By putting together an agenda of credible experts, we intend to provide public lands users and local governments with both a clearer understanding of the issues and useable tools. All participants will be provided with a packet containing the information that is presented during the summit. If participants go home from this summit ready to work with their friends and neighbors to improve public lands discourse, we will consider this event a success.

When: May 13th, 2016
Where: Las Vegas @ Arizona Charlie’s
Time: 10:00 am — 4:00 pm PST

Click here for agenda and details