2016 Washington County Fair
“More Fun than a Barrel Of Monkeys!” (Year of the Monkey)
Wednesday, August 10th to Saturday, August 13th
Visit our official website for details: washcofair.net
FIRST THINGS FIRST: Quit “monkeying around” and get your items ready to enter into the fair exhibits. That means your photography, crafts, paintings, quilts, ceramics, wood carving, sewing, baking, poetry, leather… EVERYTHING! We have such a talented county and this is the place to show it off! Enter 8-8 from 8 to 8! Catchy, huh!
WILD ABOUT MONKEY SHOW: You have homework before you see this monkey show; watch Evan Almighty. The same monkeys that are in that
movie will be entertaining us at the fair! Fun, education and great entertainment and I bet they can make you laugh!
AERIAL ASSAULT EXTREME TRAMPOLINE SHOW: Ever watched someone jump on an Olympic sized trampoline on a bike? On skis? Change clothes in
mid air? Better be there!
WILD ABOUT GORILLAS: SHHHHHH! Don’t wake up Samson! He has an attitude… but a GOOD one if you catch him just right! The most realistic Silverback you will ever get to know! He has a girl friend too. Delilah!
JAMES CRISTY COLE FAMILY CIRCUS: A three ring trained animal circus featuring “Two Kooks and a Camel”, Dog and Pony show, Alaskan Malamutes, Aerial Show with lots of comedy and fun!
TANK THE TORTOISE PICKS THE PRESIDENT: Guess what??? It’s an election year! (snicker) Did you know that tortoises have a very special
psychic power with politics? Will Tank sleep in the Democrat Den or the Republic Den? Or will he remain neutral and sleep in the rocks? We have
officials that will tally up the results! Go visit his den!
MONKEY MUGS FOR SALE: $6 bucks will get you a collector 2016 Monkey Mug at the fair from Soda Pop Stop Trailer or the Fair Kitchen… that includes of course a drink. From then on, ALL refills are $1… Yes, $1! (34 ounces)
A BUNCH OF CONTESTS: Every day, all day come play! Great Prizes and Gift Certificates! Funky Monkey Bingo, Who Flung the Monkey Dung, Monkey Around, Banana Blitz, Cheeky Monkey Mini Golf, Monkey Mystery Crate and MORE! See? It’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys!
FAIR ROYALTY: Queen, Savannah Langston; 1st Attendant, Kelby Morrison; 2nd Attendant, Sara Ludlow
And all the traditional fair favorites:
- Carnival
- Demolition Derby
- Parade
- Barrel of Fun Run
- Commercial Booths
- Small Animal Shows
- Hypnotist
- Concerts and continuous entertainment
- Exhibits and Community Displays from our cities
- Fair Food
- Balloon Artist
- Fair Express Train to take you to your car
- Boxing
- Photo Booth
Visit our official website for details: washcofair.net
Can’t wait to see all you monkeys at the Washington County Fair!